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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                       Hauser

                    Harvey III, David Lloyd               (M)  Hassett, Brian R.               Hatcher, Kristen Louise
                    P: (216) 651-0256                     P: (216) 222-2703     F: (216) 781-6744  Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office
                    Harvey Abens Iosue Co. LPA            PNC Wealth Management                9300 Quincy Avenue
                    3404 Lorain Avenue                    1900 East 9th Street                 4th Floor
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                   B7-YB13-03-1                         Cleveland, OH 44106
                    Cleveland State University            Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland State University
                                                          Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                          OH: 05/16/1994    1st: 05/16/1994
                    Harvey, Gregory Scot                  Hasson, Jared Paul                   (M)  Hathaway, Stephanie S.
                    P: (216) 622-8253                     P: (216) 586-7386                    P: (216) 368-4503
                    Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP         Jones Day                            Case Western Reserve University
                    The Calfee Building                   901 Lakeside Ave.                    10900 Euclid Avenue
                    1405 E. Sixth Street                  Cleveland, OH 44114                  Crawford Hall, Room 320
                    Cleveland, OH 441141607               Ohio State University                Cleveland, OH 44106
                    Harvard University                                                         Syracuse University
                                                                                               OH: 11/01/2001    1st: 11/01/2001
                    (M)  Harvey, Martin T.                Hastings, David Russell              Hatina, Joseph Dominic
                    P: (440) 461-5000                     Case Western Reserve University      P: (216) 586-7253
                    Progressive Insurance Company                                              Jones Day
                    6055 Parkland Blvd.                                                        901 Lakeside Ave
                    Mayfield Hts., OH 44124-4186                                               Cleveland, OH 44114
                    Case Western Reserve University                                            Cleveland State University
                    OH: 11/09/2009    1st: 11/09/2009
                    (M)  Harvey, Michael P.               (M)  Hastings, Jeff                  (M)  Hatzis, Georgia
                    P: (440) 570-2812                     P: (440) 759-0447     F: (216) 696-1166  P: (216) 583-7000     F: (216) 583-7001
                    Michael P. Harvey Co., L.P.A.         Of Counsel, Collins & Scanlon, LLP -   Ulmer & Berne LLP
                    311 Northcliff Dr                     Cleveland, OH                        Skylight Office Tower
                    Rocky River, OH 44116-1344            3300 Terminal Tower, 50 Public Square  1660 West 2nd Street, Suite 1100
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44113-1448
                    OH: 10/01/1987    1st: 10/01/1987     Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                              OH: 05/20/1991    1st: 05/20/1991    OH: 01/01/2015    1st: 01/01/2015
                    Harwick, Cheryl Lee                   Hastings Jr., Lewis Stewart          (M)  Hauber, Karl William
                    University of Toledo                  P: (216) 664-2665                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                          City of Cleveland                    OH: 11/01/2001    1st: 11/01/2001
                                                          601 Lakeside Ave.
                                                          Room 106
                                                          Cleveland, OH 44114

                    Hasan, Yasmine M.                     Hastings, Linda M.                   (M)  Haude, Daniel R.
                    P: (216) 443-7827                     P: (216) 433-2318                    P: (216) 430-2187     F: (216) 687-1841
                    Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office   NASA Glenn Research Center           Reminger Co., L.P.A.
                    9300 Quincy Avenue, 4th Floor         21000 Brookpark Road                 101 West Prospect Avenue
                    Cleveland, OH 44106                   Cleveland, OH 44135                  Suite 1400
                    Cleveland State University            Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44115-1093
                                                                                               University of Akron School of Law
                                                                                               OH: 11/10/1997    1st: 11/10/1997
                    (M)  Hase, Lauren Michelle            (M)  Hastings, Susan C.              Hauer Jr., Richard John
                    P: (330) 764-8401     F: (330) 723-9532  P: (216) 448-0801     F: (216) 448-0201  P: (216) 622-8200
                    Medina County Prosecutor’s Office     The Cleveland Clinic - Law Department  Calfee, Halter & Griswold   LLP
                    72 Public Square                      3050 Science Park Drive              The Calfee Building
                    Medina, OH 44256                      AC321                                1405 E. 6th Street
                    University of Toledo                  Beachwood, OH 44122                  Cleveland, OH 44114
                    OH: 11/05/2012    1st: 11/05/2012     University of Iowa
                          OH: 11/04/1985    1st: 11/04/1985
                    (M)  Haskell, Nathan G.               (M)  Hasty, Michael Dean             (M)  Haugen, Allison Lynn
                    P: (440) 571-7541     F: (440) 571-7779  P: (502) 648-2428                 P: (216) 586-3939     F: (216) 579-0212
                    The Gertsburg Law Firm Co., LPA       2023 Alta Ave                        Jones Day
                    100 North Main Street                 Louisville, KY 40205-1101            North Point
                    Suite 300                             University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis   901 Lakeside Avenue
                    Chagrin Falls, OH 44022               School of Law    12/20/2017          Cleveland, OH 44114
                    Case Western Reserve University                      OSU Moritz College of Law
                    OH: 01/01/2005    1st: 01/01/2005                                          OH: 11/07/2016    1st: 11/07/2016
                    (M)  Hassel, Christina T.             (M)  Hasychak, Michael               Haumann, Theresa Rose
                    P: (216) 621-0150     F: (216) 241-2824  P: (216) 486-4200                 P: (216) 692-3198
                    Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP               955 West St. Clair Avenue            Materion Services Inc.
                    200 Public Square                     Apt. 1007                            6070 Parkland Blvd
                    Suite 2800                            Cleveland, OH 44113                  Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-2301              Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland State University
                    OSU Moritz College of Law             OH: 11/18/2016    1st: 11/18/2016
                    OH: 01/01/2011    1st: 01/01/2008
                    Hassell, Charles Douglass             (M)  Hatch, Lawrence H.              (M)  Hauser, Laura A.
                                                          P: (216) 514-7877     F: (216) 910-1405  P: (216) 536-8810
                                                          Glenmede Co.                         Hauser Law LLC
                                                          3900 Park E Dr                       3713 Longwood Ct.
                                                          Suite 100                            Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
                                                          Beachwood, OH 44122                  Case Western Reserve University
                                                          University of Virginia School of Law   OH: 05/08/1989    1st: 12/19/1988
                                                          OH: 11/01/1986    1st: 11/01/1986
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