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Case Western Reserve University
Case Western Reserve University Academic Centers Jessica Berg & Michael P. Scharf
School of Law Lectures, events and forums are routinely held Deans
Phone: (216) 368-3283
at the law school and sponsored by three major
About academic centers. The law school was the
Case Western Reserve is an internationally first to establish a health law program when it Alyson Suter Alber
Associate Dean for Enrollment Planning &
recognized law school in the heart of University founded its Law-Medicine Center in 1953. The Strategic Initiatives
Circle. National Law Journal reported in school has the world-renown Frederick K. Cox Phone: (216) 368-2097
April 2016 that it was one of the top 30 law International Law Center; and the Spangenberg
schools in the nation that saw the most alumni Center for Law, Technology and the Arts, Kelli Curtis
promoted to partner in the nation’s 100 largest which is focused on intellectual property law. Associate Dean of Admissions
law firms. Faculty members are distinguished Phone: (216) 368-1499
in their scholarship, and the school’s innovative Degree Offerings
curriculum blends theory and practice and JD, LLM, SJD, Masters in Patent Practice Joseph A. Custer
prepares students for leadership. U.S. News and Executive Masters of Arts in Financial Director of the Judge Ben C. Green Law Library
and World Report rank it 6th in health law, Integrity. Dual degrees are JD/MBA Phone: (216) 368-6357
14th in international law and 20th in intellectual (Management),Master of Arts in Financial
property law. The school’s recognition brings Integrity (MAFI), JD/MA (Art History and Jessie Hill
about two-thirds of its students from outside Museum Studies), JD/MA (Legal History), JD/ Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Faculty
Ohio, and more than 10,000 alumni live and MA (Political Science), JD/MS (Biochemistry), Development & Research
work all over the world. CWRU currently holds JD/MA (Bioethics), JD/MSSA (Social Work), JD/ Phone: (216) 368-0553
the No. 1 spot for the July Ohio bar past rate. MD (Medicine), and JD/MPH (Public Health). JD
students may also earn a foreign LLM degree at Laura McNally-Levine
Case Western Reserve is a pioneer in diversity certain partner schools. Associate Dean for Experiential Education
and admitted its first African-American student Phone: (216) 368-3318
in its first class in 1892. About 20% of its Concentrations
student body is comprised of underrepresented Mary Beth Moore
minorities, and it was the first law school Business Law, Criminal Law, Civil Litigation and Assistant Dean of Career Development
in the nation to appoint an Associate Dean Dispute Resolution; Health Law; International Phone: (216) 368-1801
for Institutional Diversity and Inclusiveness. Law; Law, Technology & the Arts; and Public
Students are employed in a wide variety of legal, Interest Law James Pasch
government, non-profit and business settings. Assistant Dean of Development and Alumni Relations
Law Journals Phone: (216) 368-5579
Over the past two years, National Jurist and Case Western Reserve Law Review, Health
PreLaw Magazine ranked Case Western Matrix Journal of Law-Medicine, Case Western Sarah McFarlane Polly
Reserve as a top law school in Business and Reserve Journal of International Law, and Associate Dean for Student Services and
Corporate Law, Public Interest Law and Journal of Law, Technology & the Internet. Career Development
Practical Training. In addition, U.S. News & Phone: (216) 368-5139
World Report recognized the law school as Location:
one of the top five innovators in experiential 11075 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
education. The Sisk and Leiter study ranked the
law faculty 25th best in Scholarly Impact. Phone: (216) 368-3280
Model Curriculum Fax: (216) 368-6144
The law school’s model curriculum is designed Twitter: CWRU_Law
to give students more practical training LinkedIn: Case Western Reserve University
opportunities under the guidance of expert full- School of Law
time faculty in the Milton A. Kramer Law Clinic. Facebook: Case Western Reserve University
All students have contact with real clients during School of Law
their first year, and complete a full semester’s Wikipedia: Case Western Reserve University
worth of practice experience. Students are School of Law
responsible for their own caseloads and act as
first-chair student lawyers. They write briefs, Instagram: CWRU_Law
appear in court, work with clients and solve Flickr:
real legal issues. Students may also participate in SnapChat: cwru_law
externships around the world and study abroad Established: 1892
at more than 20 partner schools.