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Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Public CLE Events, Lectures cybersecurity and privacy protection, and criminal
Cleveland State University & Conferences justice, or work with an advisor to design an
2121 Euclid Avenue, LB 138 The law school sponsors numerous lectures, individualized concentration that fits their career
Cleveland, Ohio 44115 conferences and special events throughout the needs. For more information, contact Master of
PHONE: 216-687-2300 year that are open to the public and offer CLE Legal Studies Program Director, Professor Alan
Weinstein at
FAX: 216-687-6881 credit. For information visit, or to register to receive e-mail updates, contact Kyle Solo Practice Incubator:
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law (C|M|LAW) Akins at C|M|LAW opened the first law school-based
is an iconic, student-centered law school that incubator in Ohio, one of approximately 10
supplies the city — and far beyond — with Center for Cybersecurity & throughout the United States, in 2014. Recent
outstanding attorneys, judges, and civic and Privacy Protection Cleveland-Marshall graduates looking to start
business leaders. C|M|LAW rose 14 points in the The Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy careers as legal entrepreneurs are housed in a
latest U.S. News and World Report Law School Protection provides a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art, newly constructed office space.
Rankings – the fourth largest increase of any law interdisciplinary approach to addressing privacy Practitioners establish their own private law
school in the nation. C|M|LAW’s part-time J.D. and cyber-risk management concerns through practice over a two-year period in the practice
program was named best in Ohio. innovative programming, training and practical area of their choosing. Incoming occupants are
research for J.D. students, as well as a specialized provided with low-cost resources, including office
C|M|LAW offers education in growing industries track for MLS students. Both J.D. and non-J.D. space, business services and office amenities. For
and its robust Engaged Learning curriculum students can obtain an eDiscovery Professional more information, contact the Office of Career
connects students to real-world legal work.. In Certification through the Center’s coursework. Planning at
addition to traditional J.D. students, C|M|LAW’s
Master of Legal Studies (MLS), the first MLS For more information, contact Professor and Engaged Learning:
program in Northeast Ohio, and professional Center Director Brian Ray at
certificate programs offer a variety of educational Every J.D. student at Cleveland-Marshall receives
options for professionals outside the traditional Center for Health Law and Policy and practical experience through an engaged
legal field. learning requirement, fulfilled through work
Health Care Compliance in a legal clinic or an on-site legal externship
Known for its longstanding commitment to The Center for Health Law and Policy the in judicial, governmental or other agencies
providing opportunity, C|M|LAW is at the intersection of health care, law and policy with and organizations. Cleveland-Marshall hosts
forefront of innovation. The Judy and Robert H. implications for health care providers, patients, three permanent legal clinics -- Civil Litigation,
Rawson, Jr. Learning Commons provides an open, businesses and government. The Center offers a
technologically advanced space for collaborative groundbreaking educational opportunity with its Community Advocacy Law, and Transactional
learning. The Solo Practice Incubator is one of Health Care Compliance Certificate program, a Law -- and now offers new “pop-up practicums”
only a few law school-affiliated incubators in the post-professional certification that trains students for students to receive timely practice-based
country providing support to legal entrepreneurs. with sought-after skills in the evolving health care experiences. For more information, contact the
industry. For more information, contact Diane Office of Career Planning at
Administration Adams at
Lee Fisher, Dean and Joseph C. Hostetler- Global Space Law Center The Cleveland-Marshall Law Alumni
BakerHostetler Chair in Law, The new Global Space Law Center is the Association only law school-based center in the United The Cleveland-Marshall Law Alumni Association
States dedicated exclusively to the study of (CMLAA) is an independent, fraternal
Michael J. Borden, Associate Dean for the law of outer space. The Center already organization that supports, serves and promotes
Administration and Associate Professor of Law, offers a summer online course to students and C|M|LAW, its alumni, students, faculty and practitioners around the world as well as a staff. The CMLAA offers free membership to
dynamic Online Space Law Research Guide. For
more information, contact Professor and Center every C|M|LAW graduate. The association
Milena Sterio, Associate Dean for Academic Director Mark Sundahl at provides scholarships to C|M|LAW students and
Enrichment and Professor of Law, sponsors a mentorship program that matches entering students with an attorney. The CMLAA
Master of Legal Studies hosts social and professional events, including
Lauren M. Collins, Director of the Law Library The Master of Legal Studies program is designed its Saturday CLE programs and its Annual
and Associate Professor of Law, for those working in professional settings where Recognition Luncheon. To learn more about the they regularly work with lawyers or encounter CMLAA, visit
legal issues. Students may select from tracks
Christopher R. Lucak, Assistant Dean for including business law, corporate compliance,
Admission and Financial Aid, health law and health care compliance,