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Prosecuting Attorney

     CuyAhOGA COunTy

     cuyahoga county prosecutor’s         ciVil DiVision chief                 JuVenile DiVision manaGinG attorney(s)
     Office                               David lambert                        Mahmoud Awadallah
                                                                               Joanna Whinery
                                          ciVil DiVision assistant unit superVisor   Brett Kyker
     The Justice Center, Courts Tower     Saundra Curtis-Patrick
     1200 Ontario Street, 9  Floor                                             maJor trial unit superVisor
     Cleveland, Ohio 44113                chilDren anD family serVices         Saleh Awadallah
                                          unit superVisor
     Phone: (216) 443-7800                Michelle Myers                       puBlic corruption unit
     Fax: (216) 698-2270                                                       Matthew e. Meyer
     Email:  chilDren anD family serVices unit
                                          manaGinG attorneys                   real estate tax foreclosure unit
                                          laura M. Brewster                    superVisor
                                          Amy Carson                           Michael Kenny
                                          Cheryl Rice
                                                                               Director of finance anD operations
                                                                               James Ginley
                                          chilD support unit superVisor
                                          Steven W. Ritz
                                                                               Director of communications anD puBlic
                                          chilD support enforcement            policy
                                          manaGinG attorneys                   Ryan Miday
     michael c. o’malley                  Gabriel Rivera                       Director of information technoloGy
     cuyahoGa county prosecutor           Terri M. hammons-Brown               anD Business intelliGence
                                          Marilyn Weinberg                     Peter Szigeti
                                          Amy Guilford
     aDult criminal, special                                                   human resources Director
     inVestiGations anD aDministration    criminal non-support unit            Jason J. Sobczyk
     DIVISION.....................................................(216) 443-7800  manaGinG attorney
                                          Kristine Pesho
                                                                               appeals unit superVisor
     CIVIL DIVISION ......................................(216) 443-7785       Kristen Sobieski
                                          cuyahoGa county sexual assault kit
     JUVENILE DIVISION ...........................(216) 443-3407  task force manaGer  inVestiGator superVisor
                                          Richard A. Bell                      Michael J. O’Malley
     ChilD SuPPORT ..................................(216) 443-8868
                                          economic crimes unit superVisor      crime strateGies unit manaGinG attorney
     ChilDRen AnD FAMily                  Paul Soucie                          eleina Thomas
     SERVICES ....................................................(216) 881-3523
                                          GranD Jury anD expeDiteD case
     first assistant                      manaGement unit superVisor
     lisa R. Williamson                   Terese McKenna

     JuVenile DiVision chief              General felony unit superVisors
     Gregory J. Mussman                   lorraine Debose
                                          John R. Kosko
     criminal chief(s)                    Richard neff
     Diane Russell                        Andrew nichol
     Russell Tye                          erin Stone

     special inVestiGations chief         internet crimes aGainst chilDren unit
     Richard A. Bell                      superVisor
                                          Carl Sullivan

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