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CMBA 2018 leGAl DiReCTORy                                      Public Defender, Sheriff & Notary Public

        public Defender                     sheriff’s Department                   Notary Public Office
        CuyAhOGA COunTy                     CuyAhOGA COunTy                        CuyAhOGA COunTy
                                                                                   Cuyahoga County Courthouse
        cuyahoga county public              cuyahoga county sheriff                Room #128
        Defender’s Office                                                          One West lakeside Ave.
                                            1215 West 3rd Street                   Cleveland, Ohio 44113
        310 W. lakeside Avenue, Suite 400   Cleveland, Ohio 44113                  Phone: (216) 443-8623
        Cleveland, Ohio 44113               Phone: (216) 443-6000                  M–F, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
        Phone: (216) 443-7223                     Applications Accepted 9:00-3:30
        Fax: (216) 443-3632                                   how to Become a notary public
                                                                                   each applicant must be 18 years of age or older;
        mark a. stanton                                                            a registered voter or a registered alien. Ohio law
        ChieF PuBliC DeFenDeR                                                      provides that each applicant must be of good
                                                                                   moral character; a citizen of the county within
                                                                                   which he or she resides; or an attorney who is
        cullen G. sweeney                                                          qualified and licensed to practice law in the State
        DePuTy ChieF PuBliC DeFenDeR                                               of Ohio.

                                                                                   An application must be completed in the Office of the
        appellate Division                  clifford pinkney                       notary Public Commission. A cash or check (made
        (216) 443-7583                                                             payable to the notary Commission) fee of $70.00
                                            sheriff                                is paid at the time the application is completed. A
                                                                                   date for a notary test is provided to the applicant.
        felony Division                     Director of corrections
        (216) 443-7223                      (216) 443-6221                         each applicant is provided a manual for notaries
                                                                                   Public that contains the appropriate information
                                                                                   each notary should know in order to be an
        municipal Division                  Jail WarDens office                    effective and competent notary.
        (216) 443-2190
                                            (216) 443-6125                         each applicant must complete a written and
                                                                                   oral examination based upon the information
        Juvenile Division                   Administrative Office .............................443-6066  contained in the manual. upon successful
        9300 Quincy Ave.                                                           completion of the examination, the applicant’s
        5th Floor                           Civil Division  ..............................................443-6018  name is forwarded to the Secretary of State,
        Cleveland, Oh 44106                 Court Security ............................................443-6210  who issues the Notary Public certificate. Upon
        (216) 443-7295                      Detective Bureau ......................................443-6130  receipt of the Notary Public certificate the applicant
                                                                                   must record the certificate with the office of the
        sam amata                           Fiscal Division ..............................................443-6317  county clerk of courts, located at Cuyahoga County
        JUVENILE SUPERVISOR                 General information ...............................443-6000  Courthouse, ground floor, room #34.
                                            health Care Services ..............................443-6125  A Notary Public is appointed for a period of five
                                            home Detention ......................................443-5584  years.  Once the term expires each notary may
                                                                                   reapply for an additional five years by completing
                                            human Resources/Payroll ....................443-6056  the application to renew and paying a fee of $70.00.
                                            information Technology .........................443-6229  Renewal by mail is available. Please call us for
                                            Justice Center Security ..........................443-6211
                                            narcotics .......................................................443-6095  An attorney in Ohio is permitted to become a
                                            Records Division .......................................443-6105  notary Public for life, as long as he or she is in
                                                                                   good standing with the Ohio Supreme Court as a
                                            Scientific Investigation Unit .................443-6080  licensed attorney in the State of Ohio.  Attorneys
                                            Sexual Offender unit .............................443-5577  must pay a fee of $100.00 and register their
                                                                                   certificate with the county Clerk of Courts, located
                                            Warrants ........................................................443-6100  at Cuyahoga County Courthouse, ground floor,
                                                                                   room #33. Take applications from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00
                                                                                   P.M.  Attorneys must present their Ohio Supreme
                                                                                   Court card at the time of application.

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