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CMBA 2015 LEgAL DIRECtORy                                                    LAW FIRM LISTINGS
           CMBA 2018 LEgAL DIRECtORy                                                              Law Firm Listings

        Westlake, Ohio 44145                                                       distinguished themselves as:
        Phone: (216) 223-7535                                                      - Deal Makers
        Fax: (216) 307-2352                                                        - Trial Lawyers
        E-Mail:                                          - Problem Solvers
                                                                                   Asad Ahmad Jr.
        PRoDuCT LIABILITY                                                          Robert D. Anderle
        Robenalt Law Firm, Inc.               Roetzel & Andress, LPA               Connie Carr
        23550 Center Ridge Rd., Suite 103     1375 East Ninth Street               Richard J. Colella
        Westlake, Ohio 44145                  One Cleveland Center, Tenth Floor    Christine Covey
        Phone: (216) 223-7535                 Cleveland, Ohio 44114                Brian C. Cruse
        Fax: (216) 307-2352                                                        gary A. Ebert
        E-Mail:     Phone: (216) 623-0150                Jeffrey M. Elzeer
        Web:              Fax: (216) 623-0134                  Kimrey D. Elzeer
                                                      Terese M. Fennell
        FLoRIDA                                             Daniel F. gourash
        Robenalt Law Firm, Inc.                                                    Hunter S. Havens
        23550 Center Ridge Rd., Suite 103     Roetzel is a full-service law firm that provides   Amelia Leonard
        Westlake, Ohio 44145                  comprehensive, integrated legal counsel to regional,   Jeffrey Moeller
        Phone: (216) 223-7535                 national, and international clients, with offices   Keith A. Savidge
        Fax: (216) 307-2352                   located throughout Ohio, Florida, and in Chicago,   Todd Schrader
        E-Mail:     Illinois. the firm’s attorneys practice in more than   gregory D. Seeley
        Web:              40 different areas of law, including corporate and   Jazmyn J. Stover
                                              business services, labor and employment, general   Lindsay Svetlak
        oHIo                                  business and commercial litigation, medical defense,   Charles Zepp
        Robenalt Law Firm, Inc.               public law and finance, government relations,
        23550 Center Ridge Rd., Suite 103     education law, and workers’ compensation. For
        Westlake, Ohio 44145                  more information, visit   Solomon, Steiner & Peck, Ltd.
        Phone: (216) 223-7535
        Fax: (216) 307-2352                                                        6105 Parkland Blvd., Suite 140
        E-Mail:                                          Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
        Web:                                                   Phone: (216) 765-0123
                                                                                   Fax: (216) 595-2787
                                              Seeley, Savidge, Ebert &             E-mail:
        u.S. DISTRICT CouRT – NoRTHERN                                   
        DISTRICT oF oHIo                      Gourash Co., LPA
        Robenalt Law Firm, Inc.                                                    We service clients in the areas of Elder Law,
        23550 Center Ridge Rd., Suite 103     26600 Detroit Road – Suite 300       Estate Planning, Medicaid, VA and Disability
        Westlake, Ohio 44145                  Westlake, Ohio 44145                 Planning, Probate, Business and Corporate, and
        Phone: (216) 223-7535                 Phone: 216-566-8200                  Taxation. Our clients are respected and their legal
        Fax: (216) 307-2352                   Fax: 216 566-0213                    goals are achieved with superior advice, honesty,
        Email:                     and integrity. twenty-five years of legal excellence,
        Web:                                                   1993-2018.
                                              Exceptional legal service is the foundation
                                              of Seeley Savidge Ebert & gourash Co., LPA
                                              (SSEg). Since establishing the firm in 1978, the
                                              attorneys of SSEg have assisted clients in achieving
                                              objectives through such traditional values as
                                              hard work, responsiveness and efficiency while
                                              consistently bringing innovative ideas to the
                                              table. today, SSEg has a regional and national
                                              legal practice representing a client base ranging
                                              from Fortune 500 Companies and national
                                              and international insurers to entrepreneurs
                                              and emerging organizations seeking their own
                                              foundation on which to build. We are a full service
                                              law firm combining sound business advice and
                                              planning with experienced advocates who have
                                              earned the respect of peers and clients not
                                              only through skill, but persistence and practical
                                              judgment. In doing so, SSEg lawyers have

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