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CMBA 2018 LEgAL DIRECtORy                                                            Law Firm Listings

                                              Now in its 86th year, Walter | Haverfield   Weltman, Weinberg & Reis
                                              combines the traditional Midwestern values of
                                              honesty, professionalism and personal service   Co., L.P.A.
                                              with the most modern technological capabilities
                                              to deliver unmatched legal counsel and support   323 W. Lakeside Ave, Suite 200
                                                                                   Cleveland, OH 44113
        ulmer & Berne LLP                     for regional, national and international clients.    Phone: (216) 685-1000
                                              Founded in Cleveland and still firmly rooted
        Skylight Office tower                 in northern Ohio, Walter | Haverfield is a   Fax: (216) 363-4121
        1660 West 2nd Street, Suite 1100      general practice law firm that specializes in the   E-mail:
        Cleveland, Ohio  44113                following practice areas: antitrust and unfair   Website:
        Phone: (216) 583-7000                 trade practices, business services and capital   Founded in 1930, Weltman is a full-service
        Fax: (216) 583-7001                   formation, creditors’ rights and bankruptcy,   creditors’ rights law firm. We represent nearly
        E-mail:                economic development, education law,   every type of creditor, including some of                         employee benefits/pensions, environmental   the largest financial institutions in the u.S., in
                                              law, estate planning, general counsel services,   bankruptcy, consumer and commercial collections,
        Ulmer & Berne LLP, established in 1908,   intellectual property, labor and employment   litigation and real estate default matters, with the
        focuses on exceeding client expectations   law, lender services, liquor control, litigation   strictest adherence to compliance and security
        and delivering superior, customized legal   and arbitration, medical marijuana, mergers,   standards.
        solutions for an exceptional value. Located in   acquisitions and divestitures, municipal law and
        Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Chicago, and   public law, patents, trademarks and copyrights,
        Boca Raton, its attorneys serve as counselors   probate and trust administration, real estate,   Weston Hurd LLP
        and partners to a wide range of clients to   taxation — federal, state and local, white collar
        help them solve their business challenges and   criminal defense, workers’ compensation defense.  the tower at Erieview
        achieve their goals. the firm represents publicly                          1301 East 9th Street, Suite 1900
        traded and privately held companies, financial                             Cleveland, Ohio  44114-1862
        institutions, hedge funds, private equity funds,   Warren and Young PLL    Phone: (216) 241-6602
        pharmaceutical companies, family offices,                                  Fax: (216) 621-8369
        international joint ventures and affiliations,   134 West 46th Street
        investor groups, start-ups and emerging   P.O. Box 2300
        businesses, public bodies, and nonprofit   Ashtabula, Ohio  44005-2300     Providing legal counsel in the following areas:
        organizations.                        Phone: (440) 997-6175                appellate; automotive and transportation; banking;
                                              Fax: (440) 992-9114                  bankruptcy, business restructurings and creditors’
        Managing Partner                      E-mail:     rights; business counseling; commercial litigation;
        Scott P. Kadish                       Website:         construction; criminal litigation and white collar
                                                                                   defense; domestic relations and family law;
        Cleveland Partner-in-Charge                                                employment and labor; environmental; estate
        Patricia A. Shlonsky                  Northeast Ohio Business and Law Firm, Warren and   planning, trust and probate administration;
                                              Young PLL serves businesses and individuals in the
                                              areas of: Business and Corporate Law, Nonprofit   governmental liability; insurance coverage and
                                              Organizations Law, Real Estate, Estate Planning and   general defense; intellectual property and trade
                                              Probate Administration               secrets; long term care defense; manufacturing;
                                                                                   medical/professional malpractice; mergers,
                                              PARTNERS                             acquisitions and dispositions; non-profits; products
        Walter | Haverfield LLP               Stuart W. Cordell                    liability; real estate; retail and hospitality; tax; and
                                                                                   workers’ compensation.
        Cleveland Office                      B.A. 1978 Cornell University;
        1301 East 9th Street, Suite 3500      JD: 1981 Case Western Reserve university
        Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1821            Ohio Bar 1981
        Phone: (216) 781-1212
        Fax: (216) 575-0911                   Jeffrey L. Coxon
        E-mail:            B.S. 1989 Miami University;
                                              JD: 1992 Ohio State university
                                              Ohio Bar 1992
        Avon Office                 
        36711 American Way, Suite 2C
        Avon, Ohio 44011
        Phone: (440) 652-1160
        Fax: (440) 652-1170

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