Page 22 - 2018 October Bar Journal
P. 22
BarJournal FEATuRE
ExTra from Perry-Payne to key Tower
128 Years of Commerce, Connection
and Commitment
n January 1, 1890, the doors of class public finance practice. In 1920, Denison authorities, to promote economic development.
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey published a text on the issuing and sale of In recent decades, the Squire public finance
opened for business in the municipal bonds in Ohio, commonly known as team has continued its tradition of developing
Perry-Payne building in “Denison’s Manual,” which became the bible for innovative public finance solutions for projects
Odowntown Cleveland. At the all issuers and purchasers of Ohio bonds. Squire that have transformed downtown Cleveland,
time, Cleveland was one of the fastest growing lawyers established a reputation for creating including the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and
cities in America, with prominence in the innovative legal solutions and techniques to Museum, Progressive Field, Quicken Loans
burgeoning iron, coal and shipping industries. enable state and local governments to finance the Arena, FirstEnergy Stadium, the Huntington
There was a growing demand by businesses construction of infrastructure and other public Convention Center and the Global Center
for astute legal counsel and insightful political facilities during the post-WWII boom. The for Health Innovation, the Hilton Hotel, and
and business advice. The firm’s founders — firm handled the legal aspects of the financing Playhouse Square’s Lumen residential project.
Andrew Squire, William Sanders, and James and construction of the Ohio Turnpike with In the 1940s, through our representation of
Dempsey — were intent on meeting that need a bond issue that was, at the time, the largest Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI),
and establishing their reputation with the city’s public bond issue in history. Through its early the firm successfully handled several precedent-
leading businesses. From the firm’s beginnings, and now long-standing work for the Ohio Water setting rate cases that gave the firm a well-earned
expertise, client service, and collegiality were its Development Authority, the firm helped the reputation for excellence in the representation
highest values. Building on Cleveland’s position OWDA create revolving loan funds to provide of utility companies. The firm’s client roster
as a key transportation hub, the firm’s founders advantageous financing for local governments grew to include some of the largest utility
secured the Pennsylvania Railroad as their first to fund water and wastewater system expansions companies in the region: Ohio Power, Cincinnati
major client. Over the course of the next 128 and improvements and to achieve compliance Gas & Electric, Dayton Power & Light and
years, the firm they founded would become an with environmental mandates. The federal Monongahela Power. Our partner Ralph Besse
integral part of Cleveland’s business, civic and government adopted that revolving loan fund achieved such special prominence as a utility
cultural life and one of the largest and most model for all 50 states. With the advent of lawyer that he eventually left the firm to join CEI,
well-respected firms in the world. industrial development bonds in Ohio in the where he rose to the position of Chairman, and
Around the turn of the 20th century, Robert 1970s, the firm continued to play a leading then rejoined the firm until his retirement.
Denison joined the firm. Along with Henry role in the development of new financing James C. Davis led the firm in the 1960s and
Crawford, Denison pioneered and developed programs and techniques for the State of Ohio 1970s. In addition to gaining prominence for
what would become and remain a best-in- and its local governments, including port skills as a lawyer and law firm leader, Davis
also became known for his civic leadership.
During the turbulent years of the mid-1960s,
he was elected President of the Cleveland Bar
Mediator/Arbitrator Ron Kopp Association, and from that platform, he spoke
Delivers Closure to Disputes
out publicly for the belief that the business and
Ron Kopp has spent over 35 years handling high- professional community had a responsibility to
profile litigation. A past president of the Ohio State address the issues of race and poverty that were
Bar Association, he is routinely on the list of the Top afflicting Cleveland and other cities around the
100 Ohio Super Lawyers, at times breaking into the country. His speech “Cleveland’s White Problem:
Top 10. Increasingly, parties, attorneys, and judges A Challenge to the Bar” gained national
turn to Kopp as a preferred neutral to conduct attention for him and the firm as examples of
mediations and arbitrations of locked civil disputes. lawyer and law firm social engagement.
Ron Kopp Within the firm, Davis implemented his
1375 East Ninth Street 330.849.6644 long-range vision for the firm’s growth by
One Cleveland Center, 10 Floor pursuing a merger with McAfee, Hanning,
Cleveland, OH 44114
Newcomer, Hazlett & Wheeler, a small but
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22 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal 8/27/18 1:57 PM