Page 18 - 2018 October Bar Journal
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BarJournal                   ENVIRONMENTAL LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEaTUrE     Building Upon the Brownfield Program

                     The Brownfield Utilization, Investment,

                         and local development act of 2018

                                                         BY ERIN M. MCDEVITT-FRANTZ & LAuRYN KITCHEN

                 uried  within  the  Consolidated   codified the Brownfield Program and   and community development entities now
                 Appropriations Act of 2018, the   attempted to soften CERCLA’s liability   are eligible to receive additional brownfield
                 Brownfield Utilization, Investment,   scheme in order to encourage redevelopment   funding. §104(k)(1)(I)-(L). Also, public
                 and Local Development Act of 2018   of contaminated properties.   entities and other eligible entities (who are
        B(the BUILD Act or Act) is the first   US EPA touts the accomplishments of   not responsible for the contamination)
        major legislative change to the Comprehensive   the Brownfield Program by citing dollars   that acquired property before the 2002
        Environmental Response, Compensation, and   leveraged, jobs leveraged, location efficiency   amendments are potentially eligible for
        Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. §9601, et seq.,   that reduces vehicle miles and associated   brownfield grants. §104(k)(2)(C). The Act
        since 2002.  Major changes include additional   greenhouse gases, reduced stormwater runoff,   simplifies the process for obtaining funding
        liability protections and changes to the United   increased local residential property values,   for sites with petroleum contamination.
        States Environmental Protection Agency (US   increased local tax revenue, and even crime   As one might imagine, potential liability is
        EPA) brownfield grant program.  These changes   reduction (based on anecdotal surveys). These   a major barrier to prospective developers and
        provide great opportunity in the brownfield   are impressive results. Yet, brownfields remain   purchasers  of  brownfield  sites.  Past,  present,
        redevelopment arena, but property owners,   a technically and legally complicated problem   and future owners and users of a site could all
        government leaders, and developers need to   that deters redevelopment of those sites.   be held liable for clean-up under CERCLA.
        understand the “who,” the “what,” and the “how”                        §107(a)(1)-(4). The 2002 Brownfield Law
        of the changes in order to benefit.   The BUILD Act                    added liability protections to bona fide
                                            On March 23, 2018, President Trump   prospective  purchasers  and  contiguous
        Background                          signed a 2,232-page omnibus spending bill,   property owners, but “potentially responsible
        Redeveloping these brownfield sites is a win-  the Consolidated Appropriations Act of   party” remained an expansive concept.
        win for the environment and the economy.   2018, which included the BUILD Act. The   Importantly, the BUILD Act includes
        US EPA estimates that there are 450,000   BUILD Act expands liability protections and   expanded liability protections. The definition
        brownfield sites across the country. Cleaning   enhances the Brownfield Program by adding   of “owner or operator” now excludes state
        up contaminated properties creates jobs, boosts   new grant programs and increasing available   and local governments that acquire property
        local economies, revitalizes neighborhoods   funds. This is the first update to CERCLA   through any law enforcement activity, not just
        and provides important human health and   in 16 years and, to the extent it is funded,   involuntarily. §101(20)(D). The Act codifies
        environmental benefits.             represents a significant federal investment   US EPA policy on tenants and lessees that
          Congress has attempted to foster brownfield   in promoting brownfield redevelopment.   operates to lessen the burden of establishing
        cleanup projects for decades. At first, in 1980,   With the proper expertise, property owners,   “bona fide prospective purchaser” status.
        the government tried to do it on its own under   local governments, and potential developers   Accurately analyzing eligibility and liability can
        CERCLA, commonly known as Superfund,   can harness this investment, along with   facilitate an efficient redevelopment strategy.
        by creating a trust fund for cleaning up   other federal and state programs, to leverage
        abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste   significant benefits.      The What: Encourage Redevelopment
        sites. Under this program, US EPA completed   US EPA will develop policy and guidelines in   The BUILD Act incentivizes and encourages
        cleanup work using Superfund money, then   connection with the Act. 83 F.R. 29782. These   brownfield redevelopment generally and
        sought recovery of those costs from responsible   guidelines are anticipated in October (instead of   includes specific provisions that focus funds to
        parties. CERCLA §107(a).            September, as usual), so the Agency can consider   revitalize communities.
          In the mid-1990s, US EPA started its   the options provided by the new programs.  The small community grant program
        Brownfield Program by offering grants to                               added  to  the  State Response  Program
        support local cleanup and redevelopment of   The Who: Expanded Eligibility and Liability   component of CERCLA authorizes US
        brownfield sites. Yet, CERCLA’s expansive   Protection                 EPA to make grants to states and tribes to
        liability provisions limited the effectiveness   The BUILD Act expands grant eligibility   provide technical or research assistance
        of the  Program. In  2002, the Small   and removes barriers to participation that   to support small communities, Indian
        Business Liability Relief and Brownfields   existed previously. Pursuant to express   tribes, rural areas, or disadvantaged areas.
        Revitalization Act (the Brownfield Law)   provisions, certain nonprofit organizations   §128(a)(1)(B)(ii)(III). A community with
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