Page 14 - 2018 October Bar Journal
P. 14

BarJournal                   REAL ESTATE LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEaTUrE          The New Real Estate “Fixer Upper”


                                                                          BY MARK STOCKMAN & MIA uLERY

                   he real estate industry is poised   governmental  authority  administering  or   220, which amends existing law to explicitly
                   to transform tremendously   controlling its creation or maintenance.   recognize contracts created through Blockchain
                   with the eminent adoption of   Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded   technology as legally enforceable. Legislators and
                   Blockchain technology. Record   and verified through their own specific peer-  business leaders are supporting the “Blockland”
        T keeping is the foundation         to-peer computer network that operates on   initiative, focused on making Northeast Ohio
        of the industry and many of the issues and   Blockchain technology.    a hub for Blockchain technology advancement.
        inefficiencies in real estate transactions                             While the underlying Blockchain technology
        can be remedied by having an accurate,   advanTagES Of BlOCkCHaIn      is already fairly developed, the initiative aims
        absolute, and shared archive of information.                           to put Northeast Ohio ahead of the curve on
        Implementing Blockchain technology has   Shared Ledger                 researching and designing the various industry-
        the  potential  to  reduce  transaction  risks   The Blockchain records all transactions and   specific platforms that will run on Blockchain.
        and the costs of mitigating those risks,   makes  the  record,  and  all  additions  to  it,
        such as information discrepancies, lack of   available to all participants. The ledger is   aPPlICaTIOn In THE rEal ESTaTE
        uniformity, and fraud. With the momentum   vastly more reliable than the communicating   IndUSTry
        of the Blockland initiative, Northeast   and recording systems we currently utilize
        Ohio has the opportunity to capitalize on   because nothing is erased from it; information   Smart Contracts
        this technological innovation to facilitate   can only be added. The prior history of the   As Ohio has already recognized, one of the
        advancement of the real estate industry.  asset in question is never obscured — there   most apparent applications in real estate
                                            is only a new layer of information added. The   is the utilization of smart contracts — a
        WHaT IS BlOCkCHaIn?                 shared record is the one, true, agreed-upon   contract between parties where the provisions
        Blockchain is a software program that   record of the transaction.     are stored and shared electronically using
        creates an electronically-stored ledger that   The shared ledger is also verified   Blockchain technology. All parties can always
        tracks the history and present status of an   by replicating it across a network of   see  the current status  of the agreement
        asset. The asset can be tangible, such as land,   computers, decentralizing the location of   and all prior changes to the agreement,
        a house, a car, or a currency; or intangible,   the data. This verification process makes the   and  acknowledgement  of  the  parties  that
        including patents or  copyrights. It  gets  its   information less vulnerable to tampering   certain conditions have been satisfied (such
        name from the method it uses to store data.   or hacks. Further, immediate accessibility   as acceptance of title)  could cause other
        Data is stored in a series of “Blocks,” and   and transparency makes any changes or   provisions  (such  as  transfer  of  deposit
        each new block is linked to the immediately   tampering visible to all participants.  money) to be self-executing by the contract
        preceding block to form a successive “Chain.”                          program without any further action needed
        Blocks and Chains are replicated identically   Permissions             by the parties.
        across a peer-to-peer computer system, and   While information on Blockchain is available   A smart contract could be comprised
        the  system  records  the time and  sequence   to all participants, the parties within a   of form provisions that are recognized as
        of each change, giving instant access to   network control participation and grant   industry standards. Adopting standard
        all subscribed participants. A network of   permission to access and change information   provisions would facilitate the negotiation
        chosen participants all agree to the rules and   through consensus. No single person   process — the parties could agree to the
        methods of a specific Blockchain system.   controls access to the information. Once a   vast majority of a form contract without
          Since  2009,  digital  currencies,  or  participant is part of a network, he or she can   worrying about obscure, convoluted, or
        “cryptocurrencies” such as Bitcoin or   access it worldwide and make changes with   conflicting language. The parties then could
        Ethereum, have been utilizing Blockchain   near-instant transaction time. The parties   include customization options for specific
        technology as their supporting platform. In   themselves conduct the process, reducing the   circumstances, and each party must agree for
        those  circumstances,  Blockchain  is  akin  to   risk of fraud or theft by making interactions   any changes to be final.
        the “operating system,” such as Windows or   more direct and transparent.  Using a smart contract can facilitate
        Mac OS, and Bitcoin is akin to a program that                          and automate crowd-funded real estate
        runs on the operating system, such as Word   STaTE laW and BlOCkland   investments. For example, an investor could
        or Outlook. An important characteristic   InITIaTIvE                   pledge an investment if certain conditions
        of cryptocurrencies is that there is no   The Ohio legislature recently passed Senate Bill   precedent are met. When the conditions
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