Page 11 - 2018 October Bar Journal
P. 11
Shawn romer
Firm/Company: Romer Law Firm
Title: Principal
CMBA Join Date: 2017
College: Miami University
Law School: Cleveland-Marshall
aleksandar Cuic Tierra krystal If yOU WErE nOT PraCTICIng laW,
I probably would have pursued journalism, with
Firm/Company: Robert Brown LLC Stover WHaT WOUld yOUr PrOfESSIOn BE?
Title: Partner the hopes of writing for a newspaper. I’ve always
CMBA Join Date: 2007 Title: Caregiver and Devoted Daughter to My been interested in the media and have toured
College: Bowling green State University wonderful Father a few newspapers. The atmosphere was very
Law School: Cleveland-Marshall CMBA Join Date: 2018 exciting, and it seemed like a fascinating place to
College: Cleveland State University work. I also wrote for my law school newspaper
TEll US aBOUT yOUr PET(S) If yOU Law School: Thomas M. Cooley Law School (now and loved the experience.
HavE any. western Michigan University Cooley Law School)
Our latest adopted English Bulldog is “Murphy.” He was WHaT dO yOU lOvE yOU aBOUT
horribly abused; lost an eye, is partially blind in the other yOUr jOB?
eye, fairly deaf and was left for dead in the Indiana If yOU WErE nOT PraCTICIng laW, I handle mostly plaintiff’s-side employment
woods during the winter. He survived somehow and is I studied Film and Digital Media at Cleveland and discrimination cases, and I enjoy helping
now safe and pleasantly plump in our home. State university, so if I weren’t an attorney I’d be a individuals who have had issues in the workplace.
filmmaker and/or a television producer. I had a particularly successful case in which I
EaST SIdE Or WEST SIdE? was able to help a deaf employee achieve the
West side and it’s not even debatable. Less snow accommodations they needed to safely work, and
and the highways make sense out West. TEll US aBOUT yOUr faMIly. it’s successes like that which keep me motivated.
I am a part of very large family that consists of my
parents Larry and Debra, one brother, six sisters,
HOW dId yOU MEET yOUr SPOUSE/ 15 nieces and nephews, and eight great nieces and TEll US aBOUT yOUr fIrST EvEr jOB.
SIgnIfICanT OTHEr? nephews. I also have seven grandparents (including My first job out of college was for a foreign
We met when we were undergrads at BGSu. If my two grandmothers: Mary and Emma), 10 aunts, policy institute in Washington D.C. focusing on
memory serves me, we were at an “80s party” uncles and numerous cousins. u.S.-Mideast relations. I travelled a lot, and during
where I dressed as George Michael during his my downtime I was able to do some really cool
Wham! days including very short white shorts. things (such as travel through the Sahara Desert
Somehow this did not scare her away. 15 years OnE fUn faCT aBOUT yOU? on horseback to the Great Pyramids of Egypt,
I collect comic book t-shirts. So far, I have collected
later, we are still together and I couldn’t be happier Justice League and X-men t-shirts. Eventually, I want which is where the picture came from).
or luckier. to collect every comic book shirt that Sheldon
Cooper has worn on Big Bang Theory. WHaT’S On yOUr BUCkET lIST?
dESCrIBE an IdEal SUnday 1. Host Saturday Night Live (maybe a long shot);
Watching the Browns win … a game. A guy can 2. Retire before the age of 90 (maybe a longer shot);
dream no? WHaT’S On yOUr BUCkET lIST? 3. Visit all seven continents (4/7 down – Antarctica
I have many items on my bucket list that I have
yet to check off. However, the two items that I might be the sticking point on this one);
WHO HaS InflUEnCEd yOU THE MOST most want to check off are: (1) to take care of my 4. Write a more realistic bucket list.
In lIfE? parents, financially and (2) to fulfill a promise I made
Without a doubt my parents. I wouldn’t be 1/100th of to my high school math teacher, Mrs. Radovic, that I WHaT advICE WOUld yOU gIvE TO
who I am without their guidance, example and support.
would take her on a trip to anywhere in the world a laW STUdEnT?
of her choosing. Know when to stop. I’ve learned through law
school and my practice that the legal profession is
WHO HaS InflUEnCEd yOU THE one in which no one has time to read as much as
MOST In lIfE? you’d like to write or say about a topic. Eliminate
The person who has influenced me most in life the excess, hit the salient points hard, and then let
is my dad, Larry J. Cunningham. When I was in your audience digest. Sometimes less is more.
law school this wonderful soul would drive me
to and from Lansing, Michigan (four-hour drive
each way) after working a 12-hour shift. After his
retirement, he suffered two strokes, and he has InTErESTEd In BEIng
handled the effects of those strokes with such fEaTUrEd Or knOW
grace. I have learned more about life from SOMEOnE WHO MIgHT?
watching him than anyone else. I thank God
for him every day. E-mail Jackie Baraona at:
OctOber 2018 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 11