Page 16 - 2018 October Bar Journal
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he term “imposter syndrome,” We all have self-doubt at times, but if you This is irrational thinking. If we did not make
coined in 1978 by psychologists find imposter syndrome is leading you to high mistakes, then we wouldn’t learn from them.
Pauline Clance and Suzanne anxiety, depression or other unhealthy feelings, Maybe you missed a lunch appointment or
Imes, is when a person believes it is important to combat these thoughts. If you called your client the wrong name. These are
Tthat he or she is not as smart don’t learn how to manage your thoughts, you just little reminders to better manage your
or talented as others believe, even though he might hold yourself back in your career. Court calendar and to think before you speak.
or she has the accomplishments to prove it. personnel, clients, superiors and opposing
People with imposter syndrome suffer from counsel might also sense your self-doubt. Challenge your thoughts
anxiety and a constant feeling of being found Try some of the following tips that will get We all need a challenge, so try challenging your
out or exposed. This way of thinking usually your mind moving in the right direction. thoughts. When you find your inner voice telling
affects high-achievers, especially lawyers. you that you are not that great at making a
Consider this young lawyer’s story: I am a Celebrate your achievements presentation, giving a closing argument, writing
female lawyer who has won more cases than I You are a lawyer: You graduated from law a brief, etc., think of all the other times when you
have lost. My caseload has consisted of helping school. This is an achievement in itself. The felt insecure about something but persevered.
people get their homes back, saving victims from lawyer in the story above helped several How about that time you graduated from law
domestic violence, and assisting single mothers clients from despair. She potentially saved school, the time you nailed that deposition, or the
get the support they need for their children. lives and helped people get their homes time that client hired you? Insecurity defeated!
My superiors tell me that I have accomplished back! This is no small feat: she is doing
much more than others at this point in my life. amazing things for her clients. Make a list You are successful
Yet, I often feel like I am not the right person for of all of your accomplishments and celebrate Think about the person who hired you. This
the job. I feel as if I’m not qualified and I wonder them. Check with your supervisor or ask person is not irrational. He or she hired you
when the others in my office are going to find your clients what you do well and why they because you are the best person for the job. Try
out that I am not that exceptional at my job. My chose you for the job. This will help you see not to doubt those who have hired you, promoted
co-workers tell me that they admire my drive that you are successful. you, praised you, or recommended you. If you
and passion for the law, but I find it difficult to were a fraud, then these people would be frauds,
celebrate my victories. I don’t believe I am as Talk about it too, and you don’t think that’s the case, right?
successful as others think I am. There’s a voice It is healthy to talk about negative feelings. Perhaps Believe it or not, successful people are more
inside of my head that tells me that people are you worked on a successful case with a co-worker, likely to have imposter syndrome. Think about
just being nice. I’m not really that successful; I and you see that your co-worker is feeling great that! The fact alone that you are having these
am lucky. Anyone can do this. because of the victory. If you feel comfortable irrational thoughts most likely means that you
speaking with this particular co-worker, ask are successful.
him or her to grab a cup of coffee and have a Also, mull this over. If no one has “found
conversation about your feelings of self-doubt. you out” in the past five months, five years, or
Koehler Fitzgerald This does not make you look weak. You are trying five decades, why would they now?
LLC congratulates to improve yourself and celebrate your victory If you still find that self-doubt is hindering
Joseph Simms with him or her. This helps build camaraderie and your success, though, the Ohio Lawyers
on being chosen also helps others in your situation. When lawyers Assistance Program can provide confidential
to participate talk about it with each other, it helps other lawyers help. For more information, go to
in the CMBA’s feel as if they are not alone. or call (800) 348-4343 or (614) 586-0621.
Academy! Learn from your mistakes
We all make mistakes…even that one lawyer Scott R. Mote, Esq. is Executive
who you think would never make a mistake. Director of the Ohio Lawyers
People with imposter syndrome believe that Assistance Program. He can be
their mistakes define them as frauds, that they reached at (800) 348-4343 or
will get fired, or that they always make mistakes.
16 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal