Page 6 - 2018 October Bar Journal
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Barbara, I ultimately served several terms on lawyers still need informal and formal which are listed on its website, located at
the trustee board of our bar association and mentors to shepherd them so that they can Whether you choose
our foundation. Their collective guidance continue to uplift our bar association and to participate in formal or informal mentoring
led me to the presidency of our great bar our community. Those interested in serving or simply attend a YLS event and provide an
association and ignited an internal flame that as informal mentors or who are simply encouraging word, I am a testament to the
still inspires me to do more. interested in providing brief advice or fact that any effort experienced attorneys
I think it is very important to note that the friendship to our young lawyers can reach make to help young lawyers will be greatly
guidance and mentoring I received from Judge Abby by email at appreciated and long remembered. By
Adrine, Barbara, and Hugh did not result Formal mentoring opportunities are working together, and mentoring and
from being employed by any of them. They available through the Ohio Supreme Court’s befriending the outstanding young lawyers
gained no financial or personal advantage “Lawyer to Lawyer Mentoring Program.” of our community, we can truly embody the
from helping me, and there certainly was Lawyers can register for the program and learn spirit of John Dunne’s poem and confirm
no guarantee based on my early years in how it is organized at www.supremecourt. by our example that we all are “part of the
Cleveland that they could expect I would If you attended main,” and that the bell in Cleveland’s legal
someday lead our bar association. They were Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and are community does “toll for thee.”
simply interested in elevating our organization interested in mentoring first year students at
and passing the torch to the next generation. the law school, visit the Cleveland-Marshall
As stated in my inaugural address, we have a Alumni Association’s website at Marlon A. Primes has been a CMBA member
rich legal history in Cleveland that dates back to The since 1993. He previously served as: a member of
1873, when the Cleveland Bar Association, one Norman S. Minor Bar Association (NSMBA), the Board of Trustees, the Chair of the Litigation
of our predecessor entities, was founded. We which is the largest group of African- Section, the Chair of The 3Rs Committee, and the
stand on the shoulders of legal giants who ably American lawyers and judges in Ohio, also Chair of the Justice for All Committee. Marlon
steered our legal community in good and bad offers excellent opportunities to mentor has worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in
times. If we are to honor their legacy and meet minority law students at Case Western Reserve Cleveland for the past 26 years. He received his
the challenges of the 21st century, it is imperative and Cleveland-Marshall. More information law degree from Georgetown University Law
that we follow the examples set by Judge Adrine, about NSMBA’s program can be obtained by Center and his undergraduate degree from Ohio
Barbara, and Hugh and find young lawyers who e-mailing the NSMBA at University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.
we can guide and mentor. In addition to mentoring, members of our He can be reached at (216) 622-3684 or Marlon.
Abby Greiner, who chairs our Young YLS greatly benefit from simply seeing older Follow him on Twitter
Lawyers’ Section (YLS), confirms that young and experienced attorneys at YLS activities, @MPrimesCMBA.
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