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COLuMN BarJournal
nO OnE IS an ISland and THaT
Marlon A. Primes frOM THE PrESIdEnT
rite of passage for students in Before I knew it, Judge Adrine gave me of JFA. Although she recently retired, like
every 9th grade course in English the opportunity to help strengthen the a doting big sister, Barbara continues to
Literature is a review of the summer clerkship program for minority law cheer me on from the sidelines, and she still
poem “No Man is An Island” students, a program responsible for giving inspires me to find additional ways to serve
by John Donne. Surely, the so many attorneys of color opportunities our legal community.
first and last few lines of that epic poem are to work at elite law firms in the local area. Last but certainly not least, I appreciate
forever burnt in our collective memories: Many clerkship recipients turned those Hugh McKay, the father of our nationally
“No man is an island, Entire of itself, summer opportunities into full-time jobs renowned 3Rs program. Hugh, who has
Every man is a piece of the continent, A that helped them launch outstanding careers served as a busy managing partner at
part of the main. ...And therefore never in law firms, corporations, and government. Porter Wright for many years, somehow
send to know for whom the bell tolls; It I thought the Diversity Committee was picked me out of a group of attorneys
tolls for thee.” my final stop in the organized bar until I met and appointed me to the 3Rs Committee.
Like every other high school freshman, Barbara Friedman Yaskic, who chaired the Through his tutelage, eventually I also
I did not fully comprehend the poem’s newly formed Justice For All (JFA) Committee. came to chair that committee.
meaning. However, through the prism of life The initial focus of the JFA Committee was Because of the direction and support I
experience, I have learned its true meaning to serve as the umbrella organization for all received from Hugh, Judge Adrine, and
through the help, assistance, support, of the volunteer
and mentoring of three outstanding activities for our
members of the Cleveland Metropolitan bar association.
Bar Association (CMBA), Judge Ronald Although Barbara
Adrine, Barbara Friedman Yaksic, and was an established
Hugh McKay. Not only has their collective partner at one of
support guided me throughout my the top law firms in
professional career in Cleveland, but also Cleveland and one
their support provides an excellent example of the best business
of how we can all repay or pay forward such attorneys in the
generosity and inspire future leaders of our country, she went out
legal community. of her way to keep
I arrived in Cleveland in 1992 as a me involved in JFA,
young and ambitious attorney with which organized an
few professional contacts in the local annual volunteer
community and a limited ability to offer day program. Again,
any networking benefits to other lawyers. before I knew it,
Because I did not know anyone and went I was given the
to law school in Washington, D.C., I responsibility of
could not casually mention the names of organizing an activity
any influential attorneys to gain access for volunteer day at a
or influence. Nevertheless, Judge Ronald local youth detention
Adrine, who at that time served as the facility. Because of
chair of the Diversity Committee, initially Barbara’s persistence,
took me under his wing and provided me kindness, and
with leadership opportunities. I quickly guidance, I went
became involved in the committee’s work. on to become chair
OctOber 2018 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 5