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COLuMN BarJournal
Rebecca Ruppert McMahon
awyers Giving Back. It’s not just for small and solo practitioners, and the the Kutak Award. A long-time volunteer
the motto of our Bar Foundation, Judge4Yourself Coalition — Deborah received and supporter of the CMBA’s diversity and
it’s the bedrock of our legal the Pro Bono Publico Award because of her inclusion initiatives, Judge Oliver has also
community in Cleveland. In so leadership in helping to develop the ACT 2 devoted his substantial experience and
L many ways, every day, lawyers program with the Legal Aid Society. Through perspective to a variety of ABA activities.
around us donate their expertise, sweat equity this program, experienced lawyers who are Each year, the ABA presents the Kutak Award
and compassion to work for the public good. winding down their practices volunteer their to an individual who has made significant
If space permitted, I would write an article time to work as part-time legal aid staff, provide contributions to the collaboration within the
thanking each individual member who gives training for legal aid staff, lend their experience legal community. The award was established
back throughout the year, but there are during quick advice clinics throughout different in memory of Robert J. Kutak, a founding frOM THE CHIEf ExECUTIvE OffICEr
literally more than 1,000 CMBA volunteers communities, or can pick up cases that require partner of the national law firm of Kutak Rock
each year! On behalf of Team CMBA, I working directly with an individual client LLP. Mr. Kutak’s remarkable legal career was
thank all of you who donate your talents and among other volunteer opportunities. characterized by a strong dedication to public
time in service of others. When accepting the award, Deborah service, to the improvement of justice, to legal
Recently, during the American Bar remarked: “As I looked toward retiring from education and training, to prison reform and to
Association’s Annual Meeting held in August, the business law firm where I was a partner, I the visual arts. In nominating Judge Oliver for
two of our long-term CMBA members and knew that I wanted to do more pro bono work. the award, Joan Howland, Chair of the Kutak
active volunteers received national accolades I had gone to law school planning to use my Award Committee stated: “Few members of
for their extraordinary dedication and law license to “change the world” in some way the legal community equal Judge Solomon
history of giving back. but detoured into a long and satisfying career Oliver in fulfilling the spirit of the Kutak Award
The ABA’s Standing Committee on Pro litigating complex commercial cases. I knew, through fostering the collaboration of the
Bono and Public Service annually recognizes too, that there were likely many other lawyers academy, the bench, and the bar.”
individual lawyers and/or institutions in the who would be winding down their litigation Giving is a habit. If you haven’t picked it
legal profession that have enhanced the human or transactional practices, and still have the up yet, come meet us at the Bar and let us
dignity of others by improving or delivering energy and desire to do more.” To learn more, help you develop a habit for public good.
volunteer legal services to our nation’s poor and check out Deborah’s Pro Bono Publico Award We’ve got something for everyone!
disadvantaged. This year, Deborah Coleman video:
received one of the five prestigious Pro Bono probono_public_service/projects_awards/
Publico Awards. While she has contributed pro_bono_publico_award.html Rebecca Ruppert McMahon is the CEO of the
countless hours to a variety of initiatives that Another member, The Honorable CMBA. She has been a CMBA member since
serve our legal community — including the Solomon Oliver, Jr., received a different but 1995. She can be reached at (216) 696-3525
CMBA’s “What If Preparedness” program equally distinguished honor from the ABA: or
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