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BarJournal                   COLuMN

        TH & WEllnESS
                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015

                                            GUIdInG THE PrOfESSIOnAl

                                            WOMAn TOWArdS BAlAnCE

                                            An Ayurvedic Approach

                                            Julie Konrad, AHC, RYT

                       s a working, professional   balance when it seems like you’re on a runaway   •  Hydrating the body and stimulating
                       woman in the peak of your   train? Not to worry, Ayurveda can help!  the appetite in the morning by
                       career, the last question on your   Ayurveda  (ayur-life  veda-knowledge)  drinking warm water and lemon
                       mind is, “how well am I taking   originated in India and is one of the oldest   •  Limiting caffeine, particularly diet
        MEnTAl HEAl
            A care of myself?” You might be   holistic healing practices in the world. The   soda
            aware that your stress levels are high, but there   practice comes from the understanding of   •  Becoming mindful that skipping
            is not much time in your busy life to think much   nature’s rhythms and laws. Ayurveda is built   lunch is NOT an option for good
            about the present moment and your physical   around the five elements of fire, air, ether, earth   health
            and mental balance. Rather, there is business   and water. Each of us has a unique combination   •  Purchasing fresh food for delivery
            to acquire, deadlines to meet and, many times,   of these elements within us and each of the   via Insta-Cart from the local
            even a family to care for. But warning-red   elements has a different energy-those energies   grocery store to save time
            flashing lights ahead: the result if you keep this   are called doshas. Understanding these elements   Doing  simple  stretches  at  the  desk  to
            pace is burnout! What can you do to bring back   and how they show up in your body and mind   move stagnation and tension out of the
                                              will  help  you  bring  balance  back  before  the   body, especially twists. Check out YouTube
                                              imbalance manifests into bigger mental and   for great desk yoga tutorials.
                                              physical problems, and even disease.   •    Noticing  transitions  (for  example,
                                                I was recently asked to speak about Ayurveda   pausing  before getting out of the
                                              and self-care practices at the Ohio Women’s   car  or  off  an  elevator)  when  going
                                              Bar Foundation’s Leadership Institute. Most of   from one place to another to create
                                              the women reported not feeling rested in the   stability, grounding and focus
                                              morning, having a lot of trouble slowing down,   •  Giving the ears a rest in the car on
                                              not cooking or taking time to prepare meals   the way home by spending part of the
                                              for herself, and going to bed late. But there was   commute in silence
                                              an upside-pride in getting it all done! These   •  Slowing down the intensity of
                                              qualities are classic in those with pitta dominate   workouts and choosing to move
                                              constitutions. These are great qualities to have,   workouts  outdoors  and  NOT
                                              but think of a campfire, what happens to a fire   listening  to  podcasts  or  music.
                                              if it is built with twigs and not enough dense   Connecting to nature is healing.
                                              wood? The fire will burn out, or blow out. The   Remember, change takes time. Be gentle
                                              same is true for us if we don’t have enough vital   with yourself. Slowly observing yourself and
                                              energy and stability in our life.  understanding why some of your patterns
                                                In the case of the women I was working   might be creating  disease  can really  help
                                              with, my biggest concern for them was that   move the needle in the direction of balance.
                                              they were not eating enough food to sustain   You got this!
                                              their  pace.  They  had  sensory  overload  and
                                              many of them had vigorous workouts, which
                                              were creating even more heat in their already   Julie Konrad is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor,
                                              “heated” bodies. We discussed reasonable   lecturer and yoga instructor in Cleveland. Contact
                                              changes they would consider making in their   Julie for an Ayurvedic consult at (216) 501-1465
                                              diets and lifestyle. Here’s what they were   or visit for more
                                              interested in trying to help stay in check:  information or, if you’re interested in scheduling
                                              •  Eating a heavier meal, like oatmeal   a workshop/lecture for your staff. Julie is a new
                                                or nut butter on bread, for breakfast  member of CMBA as of 2018.
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