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BarJournal                   CRIMINAL LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      fEATUrE                Emerging Trends

                                  in Cybercrime

                                                                                        BY MADELYN J. GRANT

                     ore often than not, young   spreading in these new areas of technology   are breaking established laws of the existing
                     attorneys see large, complex   across the globe, a brief description of some of   criminal code using these new tech platforms.
                     technology  cases  and  these technologies is warranted.   Therefore, it is not so much about how the
                     immediately assume they                                   government is formulating new laws, but
        Mdon’t have the resources           Cryptocurrency                     rather how they are properly, or improperly,
        or  experience to  handle  them.  However,   Cryptocurrency, first released in 2009, is a   applying the criminal code to these new
        perhaps these less experienced attorneys have   digital or virtual currency designed to work   types  of  tech.    For  example,  the  SEC  has
        a unique advantage to successfully litigate   as a medium of exchanges. The currencies use   attempted to address an influx of questions and
        criminal matters simply from growing up in   decentralized control as opposed to centralized   confusion surrounding  cryptocurrency, but
        an environment inundated with technology.   banking systems. The decentralized control   even governmental entities are unable to offer
        Accordingly, newer practitioners should be   of each cryptocurrency works  through ledger   concrete answers to basic questions at this time.
        mindful of what these cases entail, embrace   technology, typically a  blockchain,  that serves   “When advising clients, designing products and
        their proficiency in technology, and not shy   as a public database of all transactions. Criminal   engaging in transactions, market participants
        away from defending against tech-based   prosecutions  involving  cryptocurrency  tend  to   and their advisors should thoughtfully consider
        prosecutions.                       stem from the platforms or companies that allow   our laws, regulations, and guidance, as well as
          As 2019 begins, the world of cybercrime is   customers to buy, sell and trade cryptocurrency.   our principle-base securities law framework,
        progressing with new trends in technological                           which has served us well in the face of new
        investigations and prosecutions. With every   Online Gambling & Investments  developments  for  more  than  80  years.” SEC
        emerging  tech-trend  follows  a  new  set  of   Internet gambling is currently illegal in a   Public Statement, Chairman Jay Clayton,
        challenges for those attorneys willing to learn   majority of states, but a small number have   December 11, 2017. From this statement, it
        about the field and defend against prosecutions   legalized state regulated operations. However,   is clear that even the SEC recognizes areas of
        of this magnitude. If not versed in technology,   gambling, gaming, and investment platforms   concern for those advising clients on if and how
        defending clients in cases involving new   can be easily accessed by U.S. citizens via   to utilize cryptocurrency.
        and developing trends can feel like entering   foreign  sites.  New  software  to  support  these   Importantly, although the bones of these
        a boxing ring with both hands tied behind   websites emerges each day that tends to flag   prosecutions may appear familiar— e.g. fraud,
        your back. Not only must a defense attorney   the government’s interest.  For example, binary   misrepresentation, theft—the  tech aspects
        understand how the underlying technology   option  trading,  is  a “yes or  no”  investment   complicate traditional crimes in a way that
        works, but also must have the resources   option based on an underlying “derivative   drastically changes the manner in which these
        and manpower to match the army of agents   asset” with a set expiration. Generally, binary   cases are defended. Now, a defense attorney
        and prosecutors working fiercely for the   option trading consists of a buyer and a seller   must determine whether traditional laws
        government.                         with prices ranging between $0 and $100. The   are not only being applied properly to the
          As law enforcement consistently utilizes   initial cost of a binary trade depends on the   technology at  hand, but  more  importantly,
        immense resources to investigate and   current price of the underlying asset, compared   whether the conduct utilizing this technology
        prosecute new types of tech, the defense bar   to the predicted future price (called the strike   actually violates the existing law. For instance,
        is discovering just how difficult it can be to   price). Presently, there is much government   the traditional line of what qualifies as a
        defend against these charges. Although some   interest in curbing abuses of binary platforms   misrepresentation or willful deception of a
        may view all cyber cases as one in the same,   purported to be misleading users.  customer may now be blurred. If an individual
        the truth could not be further from such   These new areas of investigation and   chooses to invest money in a company that
        an assumption. The fastest growing areas   prosecution differ from traditional crimes   sells or converts cryptocurrency, or in an
        of cybercrime include cryptocurrency use,   as established laws are being applied to   online  betting  operation,  what  precautions
        online gambling and investments, blockchain   new technology. There is a general sense of   do these companies have to take in order to
        transactions, smart contracts, data breaches   confusion surrounding how these areas of tech   ensure that the customer fully understands
        and  privacy  violations.  Because  criminal   intersect with criminal law. This intersection   the potential risks and rewards? What does
        investigations and prosecutions are rapidly   lies in how individuals and corporations   “Due Diligence” mean for today’s developers
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