Page 7 - January 2019 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 7

Christopher d.                                                         Stacey Boland
            Caspary                                                                Ganor

             Litigation Section Chair                                               Firm/Company: Farah Roberts Ltd.
                                                                                    Title: Attorney
            Firm/Company: Zashin & Rich                                              CMBA Join Date: 2018
            Title: Attorney At Law                                                   undergrad: The Ohio State university
            CMBA Join Date: 2012                                                     Law School: CWRU School of Law
            undergrad: The Ohio State university
            Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                           WHAT dO yOU lOvE ABOUT yOUr JOB?
                                                                                    I leapt into a new practice area a couple of years
            fAvOrITE ClEvElAnd HOT SPOT?                                           ago and found a job that turned into a home.  The
            Marble Room                                                            people are wonderful and the atmosphere is relaxed
                                                                                   while fostering continued growth and development,
            TEll US WHy yOU lOvE ClEvElAnd.                                        both personal and professional.  The office is about 3
            Cleveland is great because it is the perfect size.                     minutes from my house and I can bring my dog to work
            Cleveland offers big city opportunities and                            whenever I want.  I could go on; but really, what more
            entertainment without the big city drawbacks.   Anna                   could a person ask for?
            CAn yOU PlAy An InSTrUMEnT?                                            A rECEnT MIlESTOnE?
            I have played drums for many years and previously   kelberg-kim        My husband (Jeff) and I celebrated our 20 year
            played in a symphony.                                                  anniversary this year.  Someone once told me it was
                                               Firm/Company: Kelberg Law           easy to get married, but hard to stay married.  So far, the
            WHy dId yOU JOIn THE CMBA?         Title: Attorney at Law              effort has been worth it!
            Being a lawyer is at times stressful and challenging.   CMBA Join Date: 2016
            However, one of the best aspects of being a lawyer is   undergrad: Cleveland State university  WHAT AdvICE WOUld yOU GIvE TO A
            connecting with other attorneys, attending events, and   Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law  lAW STUdEnT?
            enjoying the strong sense of comradery among the bar.                  Gratifying legal careers come in all shapes and sizes.  It
                                               WHAT’S yOUr fAvOrITE BOOk?          took me nearly 20 years to find the perfect job for me.
            EAST SIdE Or WEST SIdE?            Recent favorite book – The Museum of   Make sure you learn something from everyone you
            Neither. Downtown!                 Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman  work with along the way and be open to where the
                                                                                   journey takes you.
                                               WHAT’S On yOUr BUCkET lIST?
                                               1) Learn Spanish; 2) Go on backpacking adventure in   WHAT WOUld rEAlly SUrPrISE PEOPlE
                                               Nova Scotia; 3) Learn how to play drums.   ABOUT yOU?
                                                                                   I’m secretly a sci-fi geek.  No wait, that’s not a secret.
                                               WHO HAS InflUEnCEd yOU THE MOST
                                               In lIfE?                            OnE fUn fACT ABOUT yOU?
                                               My parents and my younger brother.  I used to be a milliner’s apprentice and can occasionally
                                                                                   still be found blocking a hat at Studio St. Marie in
                                                WHAT’S THE BEST PArT ABOUT BEInG   downtown Rocky River.
                                                A lAWyEr?
                                                I believe it is one of the most intellectually
                                               rewarding jobs.                       InTErESTEd In BEInG
                                                                                     fEATUrEd Or knOW
                                               WHAT’S THE WOrST PArT ABOUT           SOMEOnE WHO MIGHT?
                                               BEInG A lAWyEr?
                                               For a solo practitioner - it is either downtime or   E-mail Jackie Baraona at:
                                               work overload.              

            January 2019                                                               Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 7
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