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COLuMN BarJournal
2018 vETErAnS dAy PrOGrAM
Starting a New Tradition to Honor Our
Veterans’ Service
Marlon A. Primes frOM THE PrESIdEnT
t the 11th minute of the 11th Judge Michael Jackson spoke eloquently at other recent events, visit
month on the 11th day of the Veterans Day program about becoming a President. If you recognize your colleagues in
November in 1918, the world candidate for judicial office to start a veterans’ the Veterans Day photographs, please take time
officially ended what was docket to address specific issues veterans to reach out to them and thank them for their
A considered the war to end often face. After Judge Jackson’s election to service and sacrifice.
all wars. One year later, Congress passed a the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, Those who are interested in forming a
resolution to establish Armistice Day to honor he fulfilled his campaign promise. He quickly bar association committee to address the
Americans who served in the military. President discovered how much the veterans’ docket needs of current, past, and future veterans
Dwight D. Eisenhower later changed Armistice benefits those who served and reduces their should contact the co-chairs of the CMBA
Day to Veterans Day in 1954. Although the recidivism rate. In fact, veterans who participate Veterans Day program, Michael Rendon at
prism of time has revealed that “the war to in the veterans’ docket often apologize to the or Karrie Howard
end all wars” did not accomplish one of its Court and other veterans in the courtroom at
stated objectives to end global conflict, the for their transgressions and work even more One hundred years have passed since our
aftermath of the Great War birthed an annual diligently to stay on the right path. nation began setting aside a day to recognize
day to recognize the sacrifices of all military Former Cleveland Bar Association the service of our veterans. Given the spirit
veterans throughout the country. President David Kutik provided the and enthusiasm of those who attended the
The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association program audience with a wide menu of CMBA’s inaugural Veterans Day program, it
(CMBA) honored that tradition by hosting an options to provide pro bono services appears that a new tradition has begun that
inaugural Veterans Day program on November for veterans. For example, attorneys can will endure for many years to come. It is my
13, 2018. However, in addition to honoring participate in monthly brief advice and hope that it will not only be a tradition of
local attorneys and legal staff who served in referral clinics to help veterans from continued thanksgiving to our veterans for
the military, the CMBA Veterans Day program 2 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of their service, but will also continue to educate
also provided important information about each month at the VA Resource and Referral the public on how the U.S. Attorney’s Office
how to protect veterans’ legal rights, assist them Center at 7000 Euclid Avenue in Cleveland. and other entities protect veterans’ rights, and
in local veterans’ court, and participate in pro Attorneys can provide pro bono assistance how all attorneys can work together to provide
bono programs to assist low-income veterans at 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday of pro bono services for veterans in need.
in need. the month at the Volunteers of America
A cancelled flight stranded U.S. Attorney Veterans Center at 775 East 152nd Street
Justin Herdman in New Jersey, and Assistant in Cleveland. Ann McGowan Porath at The Photos on page 24.
U.S. Attorney Matt Sheppard served as the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland also does an
keynote speaker in his place. Matt, who is an excellent job coordinating a wide variety of
army veteran, thanked his fellow veterans for pro bono programs to assist veterans, and Marlon A. Primes has been a CMBA member
their military service, and he explained how attorneys can obtain further information since 1993. He previously served as: a member of
the U.S. Attorney’s Office protects veterans about those programs by contacting Ann at the Board of Trustees, the Chair of the Litigation
under the Uniformed Services Employment Section, the Chair of the 3Rs Committee, and the
and Reemployment Rights Act, by bringing Finally, the Veterans Day program concluded Chair of the Justice for All Committee. Marlon has
lawsuits against employers that deny by displaying a video that listed all the veterans in worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Cleveland
employment, reemployment, promotion, or the audience and their branch of service. Those for the past 26 years. He received his law degree
any other benefit because of military status. who served under each branch stood when from Georgetown University Law Center and his
38 U.S.C. § 4311(a). Matt also covered the their designated emblem was displayed and undergraduate degree from Ohio University’s E.W.
Service Members Civil Relief Act, which fight song played, and they received thunderous Scripps School of Journalism. He can be reached
limits collection of debt from a member of the applause from an appreciative audience. To at (216) 622-3684 or
armed forces on active duty. 50 U.S.C. § 3902. view more on the Veterans Day program and Follow him on Twitter @MPrimesCMBA.
January 2019 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 5