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COLuMN                 BarJournal

                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

            Back To THE FUTUrE:

            THank YoU For a GrEaT YEar

                                                      Marlon A. Primes                                              FroM THE PrESIDEnT

               It is hard to believe it has been one year since   successfully represent clients in Cleveland and   Meeting our Present Challenges
               the start of my presidency and the launch   across the country.  We learned about the rich   Our journey Back to the Future has also enabled
               of our theme for the bar year, “Back to the   history of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland,   us to take concrete steps to ensure the current
               Future: Celebrating Our Past and Preparing   which was one of the first of its kind in the country   version of our bar association and overall legal
            ifor Our Future.” Those who are familiar with   at its founding in 1905.  Finally, we honored   community are inclusive and welcoming to
            the trilogy of movies that inspired our theme and   the memory of the late U.S. Congresswoman   all members of our diverse legal profession.
            who have paid attention to the projects completed   Stephanie Tubbs Jones in our Legacy Series and   Consequently, we entered into a historic
            this year understand our theme was not designed   held a crowded reception in her honor with the   memorandum of understanding (MOU) with
            to travel back in time and only marvel at the work   Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter of Delta   the local bars of color, which will provide
            and sacrifices of our ancestors. Instead, like the   Sigma Theta during International Women’s Day.   them with storage space, the use of the CMBA
            movie “Back to the Future,” we travelled through   If you have not already done so, please examine   mailing address, and modest administrative
            our history to help our bar association and legal   the amazing, informative, and inspiring 11-part   support from the CMBA. In exchange, the
            community better navigate our present challenges   series at    bars of color, which have local, regional, and
            and prepare for our amazing future.    Our Cultural Legacy Series allowed us to   national networks, will help us attract and retain
                                              learn how the Irish, Italian, and Slovenian   attorneys of color in our bar association and legal
            Celebrating our Past              communities were founded in Cleveland,   community.  At the American Bar Association’s
            To honor our past, John Lewis of BakerHostetler   and learn about the outstanding lawyers and   Bar Leadership Institute for current and future
            helped us launch the Legal Legacy Series in our   judges they helped produce. Our Past President   presidents of bar associations, the MOU was
            Bar Journal, which has chronicled the outstanding   Presents Series maintained our close connection   recognized as an innovative program that should
            accomplishments and history of iconic Cleveland   to past presidents by allowing them to briefly   be replicated around the country.
            lawyers, law firms, and legal institutions. Through   discuss the highlights of their presidential terms.   Managing partners and attorneys with
            the Legacy Series, we learned how BakerHostetler   During the series, our CMBA board of directors   hiring authority attended our Diversity and
            and other firms provided legal advice to help   learned about Hugh McKay’s founding of our   Inclusion Masterclass Series and learned about
            establish and guide many historic Cleveland   award-winning 3Rs program, Steve Kaufman’s   the importance of establishing an effective
            businesses and institutions. We were inspired by   outstanding stewardship of our bar association’s   diversity committee, best practices for retention
            the humble beginnings of Walter Haverfield, which   move to the Galleria, Carter Strang’s creation   and recruitment of a diverse workforce, and
            was created from a chance meeting of the founding   of the position of Vice President for Diversity   best practices for business development for
            partners at the Ohio Bar Examination. Ulmer &   and Stokes Scholars, and David Kutik’s strategic   minority partners and associates. We also
            Berne was established more than 100 years ago   plan and creation of the Bar Leadership   created an online diversity directory to allow
            because Cleveland law firms refused to hire Jewish   Institute. We also learned from Jay Milano, the   general counsels around the country to locate,
            lawyers at that time. Ulmer’s initial office was so   former president of the Cuyahoga County Bar   hire, and retain local law firms that employ
            small that one of its two founding partners had   Association (CCBA), about the history behind   outstanding attorneys of color.
            to leave when the other partner wished to speak   the merger of the CCBA and the Cleveland   Our inaugural Veterans Day program
            privately with a client.          Bar Association (CBA) into the Cleveland   honored attorneys who have served in
              We were also intrigued by the early growth   Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA). Mr.   the military, and all members of our legal
            of Thompson Hine from the interest founding   Milano taught us that the CCBA was founded   community learned how to provide volunteer
            partner Amos Burt Thompson took in specializing   in 1927 because of the perception that the CBA   legal services for local veterans in need.
            in a new federal law. His partners were skeptical   was not always inclusive of attorneys from small   Because  many  attorneys  with  military
            about his endeavor, but they eventually relented.   firms and/or from diverse religious and racial   backgrounds work in the local, state, and/
            To their surprise, they later reaped the benefits   backgrounds. Thus, we were reminded that   or federal government, they will be able to
            of Mr. Thompson’s expertise in the new law,   we must always be mindful of diversity and   take advantage of our revitalized Government
            the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, as it allowed Mr.   inclusion, and we should never forget the work   Lawyers’ Section, which is working to create a
            Thompson and other members of the firm to   and sacrifice of our outstanding prior leaders.  veterans subcommittee.
            June 2019                                                                  Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 5
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