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P. 9
ryan nowlin
& Family
Alex Campbell
Firm/Company: Buckingham, Doolittle ryan nowlin
& Burroughs, llC
Title: Associate Attorney allison reich
CMBA Join Date: 2016 & Family Firm/Company: Schneider Smeltz Spieth
College: Miami University Bell llP
allison CMBA Join Date: 2005
Law School: DePaul University College of law Title: Partner
IF YoU wErE noT PracTIcInG Law, College: loyola University Maryland
wHaT woULD YoUr ProFESSIon BE? Taller reich Law School: University of Maryland
I’ve always loved history and the classroom
environment, so I think I’d be a high school history Firm/Company: Frantz Ward llP wHaT Do YoU LovE aBoUT YoUr JoB?
teacher. I fill this void in my life by reading as much Title: Attorney Family law can be a challenging area, but at its core,
nonfiction as I can find time for with two little kids and CMBA Join Date: 2008 you are helping people get through what is likely
doing as much speaking, writing, and teaching as I can College: the Ohio State University one of the worst times of their lives. I try to make
find time for with my day-to-day practice! Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of law the legal side of divorce less scary and easier to
understand for my clients. If I make the process
wHaT Do YoU LovE aBoUT YoUr JoB? a rEcEnT MILESTonE For YoUr FaMILY? better for them, that can be very rewarding.
In my role as outside general counsel for nonprofits Our little family recently expanded to three: our
and social enterprises, I work with mission-oriented daughter, Avery, was born in November. TELL US aBoUT YoUr PET.
individuals and organizations on all kinds of issues, We have a three-and-a-half month old sheepadoodle
from tax to governance to real estate. I love helping wHEn HavE YoU SEEn THE cMBa puppy named Dennis. He is the best! He’s a terrific
organizations achieve their mission — whatever that MISSIon aT work? addition to our family, and he just loves our kids (and
may be — and I strive to provide practical, cost- I have been volunteering with The 3Rs program for they love him!).
effective advice to help these organizations understand years. I think the program is really well done, and it
and address the legal issues and obstacles that might is really rewarding work, especially when you see it TELL US aBoUT YoUr FaMILY.
otherwise trip them up. clicking for the students. The 4th Amendment Search My wife, Meghan, is the Director of Development
& Seizure lesson is always really popular, and their for Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital. We have
a rEcEnT MILESTonE For YoUr FaMILY? hypotheticals for legal/illegal searches are very creative. five amazing kids — Maisie (9), Tommy, (8), Peter (8),
Our second daughter, Caroline, was born in July 2018. Jimmy (5) and Francie (4).
EaST SIDE or wEST SIDE? Alex and I met in law school when he “oh so wHaT Do YoU Do For FUn?
East side! I grew up in Shaker Heights (after a big move smoothly” asked me if we “study in the same area of I love spending time with my family at Clifton Beach
in kindergarten all the way from Cleveland Heights), the law library.” Luckily for him, that line worked. in Lakewood; trying out new restaurants with my
and we’ve lived in Shaker Heights since returning to wife; watching the Browns, Tribe and Cavs; and
Cleveland in 2016. wHaT nEIGHBorHooD Do YoU LIvE In? playing the bass guitar.
We live in Ohio City (we recently moved there
How DID YoU MEET after more than 10 years downtown). We love wHaT cITY Do YoU LIvE In?
YoUr SPoUSE? the walkability, accessibility, and diversity of the I grew up in Lakewood, and we live there now. I am
Alex Campbell We actually met on the neighborhood. We also love that there are lots of young a die-hard Lakewoodite. The city is a wonderful place
& Daughter first day of college, families in the neighborhood, and we can walk to all of to live and raise a family; its walkability, parks, culture,
as we lived in the our favorite spots. We can also see the lake from many and food scene are top notch.
same freshman streets and jump down to Edgewater Beach quickly.
dorm at Miami
university. We wHaT’S YoUr FavorITE Book?
are Miami I’ve been reading many good books in the last few InTErESTED In BEInG
Mergers! years because I joined a book club. Our group is all FEaTUrED or know
women: some lawyers, some not; some urbanites SoMEonE wHo MIGHT?
and suburbanites; some moms, some not; but it has
become a really great part of my life, and I’m thankful e-mail Jackie Baraona at:
for the wide range of books we’ve read and the
discussions we’ve had (and the wine we’ve enjoyed).
June 2019 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 9