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BarJournal                   COLuMN

                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015
        TIon                                FoUnDaTIon SHowS ITS

                                            GraTITUDE anD LaUncHES
        Bar FoUnDa
                                            SUPPorT For MorE ProGraMS

                                            Stephanie Dutchess trudeau

                                            CMBF President

                  Thank You” are the most important   is able to expand its reach to these programs.   full potential. The 3Rs, High School Mock Trial,
                  words I can write as my term as President   The  CLC  is  a program  intended  to  assist   Stephanie Tubbs Jones Summer Legal Academy,
                  of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar   individuals of modest means who are in need   and the Louis Stoke Scholars Program benefit
                  Foundation comes to a close. There is   of legal services, but who do not qualify for   from the Foundation’s endowment and the
            ‘‘fierce competition for resources, time,   assistance, and need affordable legal advice.   wisdom and practical advice given by lawyers
            and attention. Thank you for giving yours through   Our goals are serious, but we try to have   volunteering and giving back in the classroom.
            your financial support, your volunteerism, and your   fun while achieving them. Look back with me   In the Cleveland Metropolitan School District,
            readership of the Bar Journal. Your time is valuable   on some of this year’s achievements in photos   where these programs are targeted, test scores
            and your funds are precious. We appreciate that   and words.         increased 17.2% on 11th grade social studies
            you have chosen to invest them in the Foundation.  At the Public Servant’s Awards Luncheon,   proficiency exams.
              Intentional and thoughtful about its   the Foundation praised select long-standing   The 17th Annual Halloween Run for
            work, the Foundation is innovative and   employees of our justice system who serve the   Justice spread the good Foundation news to
            ready to address the changing needs of our   public patiently and courteously. Attendance   the community of runners, walkers, stroller-
            community. The budget approved last month   went up sixteen percent. The honored public   pushers, and dog-lovers while raising funds for
            will cover three programs not previously   servants and the employers who nominated   the programs supported by the Foundation.
            funded by the Foundation: the new Probate   them were the Foundation’s guests at the   Rock the Foundation 14 lit up the Terminal
            Court Brief Advice Clinics, Wills for Vets,   luncheon and awards ceremony.   Tower and the philanthropic community to
            and the Cleveland Legal Collaborative (CLC.)   In the schools, the Foundation continued its   honor Karen Paganini, President and Chief
            I am pleased to report that, by hitting its   support of programs for high school and college   Operating Officer of the K & D Group, and
            fund-raising goals this year, the Foundation   students to guide them toward realizing their   to benefit the Foundation.

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