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Jared klebanow                     Shawna rosner,  ginger f. Mlakar

            Firm/Company: Klebanow Law, LLC    J.d., P.C.                          Firm/Company: Cleveland Foundation
            Title: Managing Member                                                 Title: Senior Counsel and Director of Donor Relations
            CMBA Join Date: 2015               Firm/Company: Direct Recruiters     CMBA Join Date: 1993
            College: The ohio State university  Title: Director, Legal Solutions group  undergrad: The ohio State university
            Law School: The university of Tennessee College   CMBA Join Date: 2018  Law School: The ohio State Moritz College of Law
            of Law                             undergrad: Tulane university (BA, Political Science)
                                               Law School: The John Marshall Law School,   wHaT dO yOU lOvE MOST aBOUT
            wHaT HavE yOUr wOrld TravElS and   John Carroll university (Masters in Counseling)  yOUr JOB?
            ExPErIEnCE TaUgHT yOU aBOUT THE                                        I work at the Cleveland Foundation as in-house legal
            PraCTICE Of law?                   wHaT dO yOU lOvE MOST aBOUT         counsel and Director of Donor Relations.  I absolutely
            My view of the American justice system has been   yOUr JOB?            love the people.  I work with so many generous and
            shaped by my experiences working in California and   I love that I have the opportunity to develop   creative donors, foundation staff and community
            New York in addition to my time spent abroad. I have   relationships with attorneys in the Northeast Ohio   leaders.  It is such an honor and pleasure to learn
            learned that there is not one right way to complete   community and assist in their career development as   about what they are doing and see the outcomes —
            a task or solve a problem but instead many different   well as advance the productivity and success of law   significant positive changes for Greater Cleveland.
            routes to an effective solution.   firms and legal departments.
                                                                                   wHy dId yOU JOIn THE CMBa?
            wHaT advICE wOUld yOU gIvE TO a    TEll US wHy yOU lOvE ClE.           Early in my career, I was an associate with Benesch,
            law STUdEnT?                       I grew up in a smaller city than Cleveland and have   Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP, and the firm
            Find the area of law you are passionate about and   lived in two bigger cities, however, I have made   encouraged my membership and involvement.  I
            pursue a career in that field. Every job has tough days   Cleveland my home and love it for it’s convenient   remember attending the monthly EPTL Section
            but being excited to wake up and go to work makes   and affordable lifestyle, its down-to-earth people   meetings with the firm’s entire trusts and estates
            the practice of law much more enjoyable.  and ability to unapologetically re-invent itself while   practice group.  I found the CMBA had so many
                                               maintaining its grit and unique character.  network and volunteer opportunities.  It has been a
            wHaT dO yOU dO fOr fUn?                                                wonderful way to get to know others in my practice
            I am a big sports fan who loves spending time with   wHEn HavE yOU SEEn THE CMBa   area and the entire legal field.
            his family.  A perfect Saturday afternoon consists of
            watching the Tennessee Volunteers play football (with   MISSIOn aT wOrk?  TEll US aBOUT yOUr fIrST JOB EvEr.
                                               I have seen the CMBA mission at work since my
            my wife and son.)                  move to Cleveland over 20 years ago.  I’ve seen   I inherited the family paper route and was a papergirl
                                               how they engage attorneys at all levels and in all   when I was 11.  I delivered the daily Chillicothe Gazette
            If yOU COUld gO TO dInnEr wITH a   practice areas and reach out to all members with   around my neighborhood.  It was the first and last time
            faMOUS PErSOn wHO wOUld IT BE      offerings for mentorship, continuing education and   I was fired.  I was so shy and dreaded collecting the
            and wHy?                           civic engagement.                   monthly subscription dues door-to-door.  As a result,
            Mark Cuban. I always remember something he said a few                  I only collected from some houses, every few months,
            years back around Thanksgiving. Mark said: “It was right               which didn’t go over well with one of the subscribers.
            around this date in November when I was 27 years old   TEll US aBOUT yOUr faMIly.
                                               My husband and I have four sons. My oldest is
            that I remember looking at a 0 dollar bank balance at the   a freshman at college. I also have a 16, 13 and   TEll US aBOUT yOUr faMIly.
            ATM...” This quote always reminds me that it is never too   10-year-old.  We just left elementary school years   My husband, Tom, and I are part of a multi-
            late to pursue a goal or dream. I would love to talk to   behind and 16 years of driving a mini van.  generational Buckeye family.  Tom and I are double
            Mark about general business strategy.                                  degree Buckeyes.  We met in law school at The Ohio
                                               If yOU COUld gO TO dInnEr wITH a    State Moritz College of Law after attending OSu as
                       wHO HaS InflUEnCEd yOU   faMOUS PErSOn wHO wOUld IT BE      undergraduates.  Our two oldest children currently
                          THE MOST In lIfE?    and wHy?                            attend OSu.  Both of our fathers were twice
                            My parents. They have instilled   Ruth Bader Ginsburg as I truly admire her for   Buckeyes.  In addition, we have several siblings, nieces,
                             in me the importance of   breaking the glass ceiling, standing strong for what   nephews, and cousins that attended OSu.  Go Bucks!
                               being a good person and   she believes in and for her unwavering moral
                                I appreciate everything   compass.  I could spend hours listening to her   OnE fUn faCT aBOUT yOU?
                                they have done for me   talk about all the Supreme Court cases she has   My ancestor, Edward Fuller, came over on the Mayflower.
                                 every day.    presided over during her tenure.  It would be the   He was a barrister, admitted to Gray’s Inn in 1606.
                                               best history lesson ever!
            March 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 9
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