Page 102 - ICC IEBC 2018
P. 102

Appendix A: Guidelines for the Seismic Retrofit of Existing Buildings

                                                         CHAPTER A1

                                 SEISMIC STRENGTHENING PROVISIONS

             User note:
                About this appendix: Appendix A provides guidelines for upgrading the seismic-resistance capacity of different types of existing buildings. It
                is organized into separate chapters that deal with buildings of different types, including unreinforced masonry buildings, reinforced concrete
                and reinforced masonry wall buildings, and light-frame wood buildings.

                              SECTION A101                        [BS] CROSSWALL. A new or existing wall that meets the
                                 PURPOSE                          requirements of Section A111.3. A crosswall is not a shear
             [BS] A101.1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to pro-  wall.
             mote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk of death  [BS] CROSSWALL SHEAR CAPACITY. The unit shear
             or injury from the effects of earthquakes on existing unrein-  value times the length of the crosswall, ν L .
                                                                                                   c c
             forced masonry bearing wall buildings.               [BS]  DETAILED BUILDING SYSTEM ELEMENTS.
               The  provisions of this chapter are intended as  minimum  The localized elements and the interconnections of these ele-
             standards for structural seismic resistance, and are established  ments that define the design of the building.
             primarily to reduce the risk of life loss or injury. Compliance  [BS] DIAPHRAGM EDGE. The intersection of the horizon-
             with these provisions will not necessarily prevent loss of life  tal diaphragm and a shear wall.
             or injury, or prevent earthquake damage to retrofitted build-
             ings.                                                [BS] DIAPHRAGM SHEAR CAPACITY. The unit shear
                                                                  value times the depth of the diaphragm, ν D.
                                                                  [BS] FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM.  A diaphragm of wood or
                              SECTION A102                        untopped metal deck construction  in which the horizontal
                                  SCOPE                           deformation along its length is at least two times the average
                                                                  story drift.
             [BS] A102.1  General. The provisions of this chapter shall
             apply to  all  existing buildings not more than six stories in  HEAD JOINT. The vertical  mortar  joint placed between
             height above the base of the structure and having not fewer  masonry units within the wythe.
             than one unreinforced masonry bearing wall. The elements  [BS] NORMAL WALL. A wall perpendicular to the direc-
             regulated by this chapter shall be determined in accordance  tion of seismic forces.
             with Table A102.1. Except as provided herein, other struc-  [BS] OPEN FRONT. An exterior building wall line on one
             tural provisions of the building code shall apply. This chapter  side only without vertical  elements of the  seismic  force-
             does not apply to the alteration of existing electrical, plumb-  resisting system in one or more stories.
             ing, mechanical or fire safety systems.
                                                                  [BS] POINTING. The process  of removal  of  deteriorated
             [BS] A102.2 Essential and hazardous facilities.  The provi-
                                                                  mortar from between masonry units and placement of new
             sions of this chapter shall not apply to the strengthening of  mortar.  Also  known as repointing or tuckpointing  for  pur-
             buildings in Risk Category III or  IV.  Such buildings shall be  poses of this chapter.
             strengthened to  meet the requirements  of  the  International
                                                                  [BS] REPOINTING. See “Pointing.”
             Building Code for new buildings of the same risk category or
             other such criteria approved by the code official.   [BS] RIGID DIAPHRAGM.  A diaphragm of concrete con-
                                                                  struction or concrete-filled metal deck construction.
                                                                  [BS] TUCKPOINTING. See “Pointing.”
                              SECTION A103
                               DEFINITIONS                        [BS] UNREINFORCED MASONRY  (URM). Includes
                                                                  burned clay,  concrete or sand-lime brick; hollow clay or
             [BS] A103.1 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the  concrete block; plain concrete; and hollow clay tile. These
             applicable definitions in the building code shall also apply.
                                                                  materials shall comply  with  the  requirements of Section
             [BS] BED JOINT. The horizontal layer of mortar on which a  A106 as applicable.
             masonry unit is laid.
                                                                  [BS] UNREINFORCED MASONRY BEARING WALL.
             [BS] COLLAR JOINT. The vertical space between adjacent  A URM wall that provides the vertical support for the reac-
             wythes. A collar joint may contain mortar or grout.  tion of floor or roof-framing members  for which the total

             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE ®                                                          83
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