Page 106 - ICC IEBC 2018
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in the definition of classes of masonry is permitted to be subject to special inspection, prior to placement of the
avoid unnecessary testing. anchor and grout or adhesive in the drilled hole. Five percent
[BS] A106.2.3.9 Pointing. Deteriorated mortar joints of all anchors resisting tension forces shall be subject to a
in unreinforced masonry walls shall be pointed in direct-tension test, and an additional 20 percent shall be
accordance with the following requirements: tested using a calibrated torque wrench. Testing shall be per-
formed in accordance with Section A107.5.
1. Joint preparation. Deteriorated mortar shall be
cut out by means of a toothing chisel or nonimpact Exception: New bolts that extend through the wall with
power tool until sound mortar is reached, to a steel plates on the far side of the wall need not be tested.
depth not less than / inch (19.1 mm) or twice the [BS] A107.5 Tests of anchors in unreinforced masonry
thickness of the joint, whichever is less, but not walls. Tests of anchors in unreinforced masonry walls shall be
greater than 2 inches (50 mm). Care shall be taken in accordance with Sections A107.5.1 through A107.5.3.
not to damage the masonry edges. After cutting is Results of all tests shall be reported to the authority having
complete, all loose material shall be removed with jurisdiction. The report shall include the test results of maxi-
a brush, or air or water stream. mum load for each test; pass-fail results; corresponding anchor
size and type; orientation of loading; details of the anchor
2. Mortar preparation. The mortar mix shall be
proportioned as required by the construction installation, testing apparatus and embedment; wall thickness;
specifications and manufacturer’s approved and joist orientation and proximity to the tested anchor.
instructions. [BS] A107.5.1 Direct tension testing of existing anchors
and new anchors. The test apparatus shall be supported by
3. Packing. The joint into which the mortar is to be
packed shall be dampened but without free-stand- the masonry wall. The test procedure for prequalification
ing water. The mortar shall be tightly packed into of tension and shear anchors shall comply with ASTM
the joint in layers not exceeding / inch (6.4 mm) E488. Existing wall anchors shall be given a preload of 300
4 pounds (1335 N) before establishing a datum for recording
deep until it is filled; then it shall be tooled to a
smooth surface to match the original profile. elongation. The tension test load reported shall be recorded
at / inch (3.2 mm) relative movement between the exist-
Nothing shall prevent pointing of any masonry wall ing anchor and the adjacent masonry surface. New embed-
joints before testing is performed in accordance with ded tension anchors shall be subject to a direct tension load
Section A106.2.3, except as required in Section A107.2. of not less than 2.5 times the design load but not less than
1,500 pounds (6672 N) for five minutes.
Exception: Where obstructions occur, the distance
QUALITY CONTROL between the anchor and the test apparatus support shall
be not less than one-half the wall thickness for existing
[BS] A107.1 Pointing. Preparation and mortar pointing shall anchors and 75 percent of the embedment length for
be performed with special inspection. new embedded anchors.
Exception: At the discretion of the code official, inciden- [BS] A107.5.2 Torque testing of new anchors. Anchors
tal pointing may be performed without special inspection. embedded in unreinforced masonry walls shall be tested
[BS] A107.2 Masonry shear tests. In-place masonry shear using a torque-calibrated wrench to the following mini-
tests shall comply with Section A106.2.3.1. Testing of mum torques:
masonry for determination of tensile-splitting strength shall 1 / -inch-diameter (12.7 mm) bolts: 40 foot pounds
comply with Section A106.2.3.2. (54.2 N-m).
[BS] A107.3 Existing wall anchors. Existing wall anchors 5 / -inch-diameter (15.9 mm) bolts: 50 foot pounds
used as all or part of the required tension anchors shall be (67.8 N-m).
tested in pullout according to Section A107.5.1. Not fewer 3 / -inch-diameter (19.1 mm) bolts: 60 foot pounds
than four anchors tested per floor shall be tested in pullout, (81.3 N-m).
with not fewer than two tests at walls with joists framing into
the wall and two tests at walls with joists parallel to the wall, [BS] A107.5.3 Prequalification test for bolts and other
but not less than 10 percent of the total number of existing types of anchors. ASTM E488 or the test procedure in
tension anchors at each level. Section A107.5.1 is permitted to be used to determine ten-
sion or shear strength values for anchors greater than those
[BS] A107.4 New wall anchors. New wall anchors embed- permitted by Table A108.1(2). Anchors shall be installed
ded in URM walls shall be subject to special inspection prior in the same manner and using the same materials as will
to placement of the anchor and grout or adhesive in the be used in the actual construction. Not fewer than five
drilled hole. Five percent of all anchors that do not extend tests for each bolt size and type shall be performed for
through the wall shall be subject to a direct-tension test, and each class of masonry in which they are proposed to be
an additional 20 percent shall be tested using a calibrated used. The tension and shear strength values for such
torque wrench. Testing shall be performed in accordance with anchors shall be the lesser of the average ultimate load
Section A107.5. 1
divided by 5.0 or the average load at which / inch (3.2
New wall anchors embedded in URM walls resisting ten- mm) elongation occurs for each size and type of anchor
sion forces or a combination of tension and shear forces shall and class of masonry.
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