Page 174 - ICC IEBC 2018
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rial (0-25 FSR) as noncombustible, but this is not currently determined from the applicable building or rehabilitation
recognized by most model building codes. code, and the materials and assemblies existing in the build-
ing then need to be evaluated for these properties. Two work
If there is any doubt whether or not an archaic material is
noncombustible, it would be appropriate to send out samples sheets are shown below to facilitate the preliminary evalua-
for evaluation. If an archaic material is determined to be non- tion.
combustible according to ASTM E136, it can be expected Two possible sources of information helpful in the prelim-
that it will not contribute fuel to the fire. inary evaluation are the original building plans and the build-
* Some codes are Roman numerals, others use letters. ing code in effect at the time of original construction. Plans
may be on file with the local building department or in the
offices of the original designers (e.g., architect, engineer) or
1.2 their successors. If plans are available, the investigator should
COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION TYPES verify that the building was actually constructed as called for
One of the earliest forms of timber construction used exte- in the plans, as well as incorporate any later alterations or
rior load-bearing masonry walls with columns and/or wooden changes to the building. Earlier editions of the local building
walls supporting wooden beams and floors in the interior of code should be on file with the building official. The code in
the building. This form of construction, often called “mill” or effect at the time of construction will contain fire perfor-
“heavy timber” construction, has approximately 1 hour fire mance criteria. While this is no guarantee that the required
resistance. The exterior walls will generally contain the fire performance was actually provided, it does give the investi-
within the building. gator some guidance as to the level of performance which
may be expected. Under some code administration and
With the development of dimensional lumber, there was a enforcement systems, the code in effect at the time of con-
switch from heavy timber to “balloon frame” construction. struction also defines the level of performance that must be
The balloon frame uses load-bearing exterior wooden walls provided at the time of rehabilitation.
which have long timbers often extending from foundation to
roof. When longer lumber became scarce, another form of Figure 1 illustrates one method for organizing preliminary
construction, “platform” framing, replaced the balloon fram- field notes. Space is provided for the materials, dimensions,
ing. The difference between the two systems is significant and condition of the principal building elements. Each floor
because platform framing is automatically fire-blocked at of the structure should be visited and the appropriate informa-
every floor while balloon framing commonly has concealed tion obtained. In practice, there will often be identical materi-
spaces that extend unblocked from basement to attic. The als and construction on every floor, but the exception may be
architect, engineer, and code official must be alert to the of vital importance. A schematic diagram should be prepared
details of construction and the ease with which fire can of each floor showing the layout of exits and hallways and
spread in concealed spaces. indicating where each element described in the field notes fits
into the structure as a whole. The exact arrangement of inte-
rior walls within apartments is of secondary importance from
2 a fire safety point of view and need not be shown on the
BUILDING EVALUATION drawings unless these walls are required by code to have a
fire resistance rating.
A given rehabilitation project will most likely go through
several stages. The preliminary evaluation process involves The location of stairways and elevators should be clearly
the designer in surveying the prospective building. The fire marked on the drawings. All exterior means of escape (e.g.,
resistance of existing building materials and construction sys- fire escapes) should be identified. 1
tems is identified; potential problems are noted for closer
The following notes explain the entries in Figure 1.
study. The final evaluation phase includes: developing design
solutions to upgrade the fire resistance of building elements, Exterior Bearing Walls: Many old buildings utilize heavily
if necessary; preparing working drawings and specifications; constructed walls to support the floor/ceiling assemblies at
and the securing of the necessary code approvals. the exterior of the building. There may be columns and/or
interior bearing walls within the structure, but the exterior
2.1 walls are an important factor in assessing the fire safety of a
The field investigator should note how the floor/ceiling
A preliminary evaluation should begin with a building sur- assemblies are supported at the exterior of the building. If
vey to determine the existing materials, the general arrange- columns are incorporated in the exterior walls, the walls may
ment of the structure and the use of the occupied spaces, and be considered nonbearing.
the details of construction. The designer needs to know “what
is there” before a decision can be reached about what to keep Interior Bearing Walls: It may be difficult to determine
and what to remove during the rehabilitation process. This whether or not an interior wall is load bearing, but the field
preliminary evaluation should be as detailed as necessary to investigator should attempt to make this determination. At a
make initial plans. The fire-related properties need to be later stage of the rehabilitation process, this question will
1. Problems providing adequate exiting are discussed at length in the Egress Guideline for Residential Rehabilitation.
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