Page 55 - ICC IEBC 2018
P. 55


                                    required  exit capacity pro-         exceeding three stories  in the following loca-
                                    vided  by an exit or exits           tions:
                                    leading directly out of that            10.1. Buildings protected throughout by  an
                                    level without having to tra-                approved automatic sprinkler system.
                                    verse another communicat-
                                    ing floor level  or be                  10.2. Buildings with less  than 25 dwelling
                                    exposed to the smoke or                     units or sleeping units where every
                                    fire spreading from another                 sleeping room above the second floor
                                    communicating floor level.                  is provided with direct access to a fire
                                                                                escape or other approved second exit
                 4. In Group A occupancies, a minimum 30-minute                 by means of an approved exterior door
                    enclosure shall be provided to protect all verti-           or window having a sill height of not
                    cal openings not exceeding three stories.                   greater than 44 inches (1118 mm) and
                 5. In Group B occupancies, a minimum 30-minute                 where both of the following conditions
                    enclosure shall be provided to protect all verti-           are met:
                    cal  openings  not exceeding three stories. This              10.2.1. Any  exit access corridor
                    enclosure, or the enclosure specified in Section                     exceeding 8 feet (2438 mm)
                    802.2.1, shall not be required in the following                      in length that  serves two
                                                                                         means of egress, one  of
                      5.1. Buildings not exceeding 3,000 square                          which  is an unprotected
                           feet (279 m ) per floor.                                      vertical opening, shall have
                                                                                         not fewer than one of the
                      5.2. Buildings protected throughout by an
                           approved automatic fire sprinkler sys-                        means of egress separated
                           tem.                                                          from the  vertical opening
                                                                                         by a 1-hour fire barrier.
                 6. In Group E occupancies, the enclosure shall not
                    be required for vertical openings not exceeding               10.2.2. The  building is protected
                    three stories where  the  building is protected                      throughout by an automatic
                    throughout by an approved automatic fire sprin-                      fire alarm system, installed
                    kler system.                                                         and supervised in  accor-
                                                                                         dance with  the  Interna-
                 7. In Group F occupancies, the enclosure shall not                      tional Building Code.
                    be required in the following locations:
                                                                     11. In Group R-2 occupancies, a minimum 30-min-
                      7.1. Vertical openings not exceeding three         ute enclosure  shall be provided to protect all
                                                                         vertical openings not  exceeding three stories.
                      7.2. Special-purpose occupancies  where            This enclosure, or the enclosure specified  in
                           necessary  for manufacturing opera-           Section 802.2.1, shall not be required in the fol-
                           tions and direct access is provided to        lowing locations:
                           not fewer than one protected stairway.
                                                                            11.1. Vertical openings not exceeding two
                      7.3. Buildings protected throughout by an                 stories with not more than four dwell-
                           approved automatic sprinkler system.                 ing units per floor.
                 8. In Group H occupancies, the enclosure shall not         11.2. Buildings protected throughout by  an
                    be required for vertical openings not exceeding             approved automatic sprinkler system.
                    three stories where necessary for manufacturing         11.3. Buildings  with not more  than four
                    operations and  every floor level has direct                dwelling  units per  floor where every
                    access  to not fewer than two  remote  enclosed
                    stairways or other approved exits.                          sleeping room above the second floor
                                                                                is provided with direct access to a fire
                 9. In Group M occupancies, a minimum 30-minute                 escape or other approved second exit
                    enclosure shall be provided to protect all verti-           by means of an approved exterior door
                    cal  openings  not exceeding three stories. This            or window having a sill height of not
                    enclosure, or the enclosure specified in Section            greater than 44 inches (1118 mm) and
                    802.2.1, shall not be required in the following             the building is protected throughout by
                                                                                an automatic fire  alarm system com-
                      9.1. Openings connecting only  two floor                  plying with Section 803.4.
                           levels.                                   12. One- and two-family dwellings.
                      9.2. Occupancies protected  throughout by      13. Group S occupancies  where connecting not
                           an  approved automatic sprinkler  sys-        more than two floor levels or where connecting
                                                                         not more than three floor levels and the struc-
                10. In Group R-1 occupancies, the enclosure shall        ture is equipped throughout with an  approved
                    not be required for vertical openings not            automatic sprinkler system.

         36                                                             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE  ®
  Copyrighted © 2017 by, or licensed to, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); licensed to UL, LLC pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproductions authorized or distribution authorized.
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