Page 58 - ICC IEBC 2018
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803.4.1.2 Group I-1. A fire alarm system shall be 805.2 General. The means of egress shall comply with the
installed in work areas of Group I-1 residential care/ requirements of this section.
assisted living facilities as required by the International Exceptions:
Fire Code for existing Group I-1 occupancies.
1. Where the work area and the means of egress serv-
803.4.1.3 Group I-2. A fire alarm system shall be ing it complies with NFPA 101.
installed throughout Group I-2 occupancies as required
by the International Fire Code. 2. Means of egress complying with the requirements of
the building code under which the building was con-
803.4.1.4 Group I-3. A fire alarm system shall be structed shall be considered to be compliant means
installed in work areas of Group I-3 occupancies as of egress if, in the opinion of the code official, they
required by the International Fire Code. do not constitute a distinct hazard to life.
803.4.1.5 Group R-1. A fire alarm system shall be 805.3 Number of exits. The number of exits shall be in
installed in Group R-1 occupancies as required by the accordance with Sections 805.3.1 through 805.3.3.
International Fire Code for existing Group R-1 occu- 805.3.1 Minimum number. Every story utilized for
human occupancy on which there is a work area that
803.4.1.6 Group R-2. A fire alarm system shall be includes exits or corridors shared by more than one tenant
installed in work areas of Group R-2 apartment build- within the work area shall be provided with the minimum
ings as required by the International Fire Code for number of exits based on the occupancy and the occupant
existing Group R-2 occupancies. load in accordance with the International Building Code.
803.4.2 Supplemental fire alarm system requirements. In addition, the exits shall comply with Sections 805.3.1.1
Where the work area on any floor exceeds 50 percent of and 805.3.1.2.
that floor area, Section 803.4.1 shall apply throughout the 805.3.1.1 Single-exit buildings. A single exit or access
floor. to a single exit shall be permitted from spaces, any
Exception: Alarm-initiating and notification appli- story or any occupied roof where one of the following
ances shall not be required to be installed in tenant conditions exists:
spaces outside of the work area. 1. The occupant load, number of dwelling units
and exit access travel distance do not exceed the
803.4.3 Smoke alarms. Individual sleeping units and indi-
vidual dwelling units in any work area in Group R and I-1 values in Table 805.3.1.1(1) or 805.3.1.1(2).
occupancies shall be provided with smoke alarms in accor- 2. In Group R-1 or R-2, nonsprinklered buildings,
dance with the International Fire Code. individual single-story or multiple-story dwell-
ing or sleeping units shall be permitted to have a
Exception: Interconnection of smoke alarms outside of
the work area shall not be required. single exit or access to a single exit from the
dwelling or sleeping unit provided one of the
following criteria are met:
SECTION 804 2.1. The occupant load is not greater than
CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTION 10 and the exit access travel distance
804.1 Carbon monoxide alarms. Any work area in Group I- within the unit does not exceed 75 feet
1, I-2, I-4 and R occupancies shall be equipped with carbon (22 860 mm).
monoxide alarms in accordance with Section 1103.9 of the 2.2. The building is not more than three
International Fire Code. stories in height; all third-story space
is part of dwelling with an exit access
doorway on the second story; and the
1. Work involving the exterior surfaces of buildings, portion of the exit access travel dis-
such as the replacement of roofing or siding, the tance from the door to any habitable
addition or replacement of windows or doors, or the room within any such unit to the unit
addition of porches or decks. entrance doors does not exceed 50 feet
2. Installation, alteration or repairs of plumbing or (15 240 mm).
mechanical systems, other than fuel-burning appli- 3. In buildings of Group R-2 occupancy of any
ances. number of stories with not more than four
* dwelling units per floor served by an interior
exit stairway; with a smokeproof enclosure in
SECTION 805 accordance with Sections 909.20 and 1023.11
MEANS OF EGRESS of the International Building Code or an exte-
805.1 Scope. The requirements of this section shall be limited rior stairway as an exit; and where the portion
to work areas that include exits or corridors shared by more of the exit access travel distance from the dwell-
than one tenant within the work area in which Level 2 alter- ing unit entrance door to the exit is not greater
ations are being performed, and where specified they shall than 20 feet (6096 mm).
apply throughout the floor on which the work areas are 805.3.1.2 Fire escapes required. For other than Group
located or otherwise beyond the work area. I-2, where more than one exit is required, an existing or
newly constructed fire escape complying with Section
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