Page 62 - ICC IEBC 2018
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provided with handrails for the full length of the stairway gravity loads required by the International Building Code for
on not fewer than one side. Exit stairways with a required new structures. Any existing gravity load-carrying structural
egress width of more than 66 inches (1676 mm) shall have element whose gravity load-carrying capacity is decreased as
handrails on both sides. part of the alteration shall be shown to have the capacity to
resist the applicable design dead, live and snow loads, includ-
805.9.2 Design. Handrails required in accordance with
Section 805.9.1 shall be designed and installed in accor- ing snow drift effects, required by the International Building
dance with the provisions of the International Building Code for new structures.
Code. Exceptions:
805.10 Refuge areas. Where alterations affect the configura- 1. Buildings of Group R occupancy with not more than
tion of an area utilized as a refuge area, the capacity of the five dwelling or sleeping units used solely for resi-
refuge area shall not be reduced below that required in Sec- dential purposes where the altered building complies
tions 805.10.1 and 805.10.2. with the conventional light-frame construction
805.10.1 Capacity. The required capacity of refuge areas methods of the International Building Code or the
shall be in accordance with Sections 805.10.1.1 through provisions of the International Residential Code.
2. Buildings in which the increased dead load is attrib-
805.10.1.1 Group I-2. In Group I-2 occupancies, the utable to the addition of a second layer of roof cov-
required capacity of the refuge areas for smoke com- ering weighing 3 pounds per square foot (0.1437
partments in accordance with Section 407.5.1 of the kN/m ) or less over an existing single layer of roof
International Building Code shall be maintained. covering.
805.10.1.2 Group I-3. In Group I-3 occupancies, the [BS] 806.3 Existing structural elements resisting lateral
required capacity of the refuge areas for smoke com- loads. Except as permitted by Section 806.4, where the alter-
partments in accordance with Section 408.6.2 of the ation increases design lateral loads, or where the alteration
International Building Code shall be maintained. results in prohibited structural irregularity as defined in
805.10.1.3 Ambulatory care. In ambulatory care facil- ASCE 7, or where the alteration decreases the capacity of
ities required to be separated by Section 422.2 of the any existing lateral load-carrying structural element, the
International Building Code, the required capacity of structure of the altered building or structure shall meet the
the refuge areas for smoke compartments in accordance requirements of Sections 1609 and 1613 of the International
with Section 422.3.2 of the International Building Building Code. Reduced seismic forces shall be permitted.
Code shall be maintained. Exception: Any existing lateral load-carrying structural
805.10.2 Horizontal exits. The required capacity of the element whose demand-capacity ratio with the alteration
refuge area for horizontal exits in accordance with Section considered is not more than 10 percent greater than its
1026.4 of the International Building Code shall be main- demand-capacity ratio with the alteration ignored shall be
tained. permitted to remain unaltered. For purposes of calculating
demand-capacity ratios, the demand shall consider appli-
805.11 Guards. The requirements of Sections 805.11.1 and
805.11.2 shall apply to guards from the work area floor to, cable load combinations with design lateral loads or forces
and including, the level of exit discharge but shall be con- in accordance with Sections 1609 and 1613 of the Interna-
tional Building Code. Reduced seismic forces shall be per-
fined to the egress path of any work area.
mitted. For purposes of this exception, comparisons of
805.11.1 Minimum requirement. Every open portion of demand-capacity ratios and calculation of design lateral
a stairway, landing, or balcony that is more than 30 inches loads, forces and capacities shall account for the cumula-
(762 mm) above the floor or grade below and is not pro- tive effects of additions and alterations since original con-
vided with guards, or those portions in which existing struction.
guards are judged to be in danger of collapsing, shall be
provided with guards. [BS] 806.4 Voluntary lateral force-resisting system alter-
ations. Structural alterations that are intended exclusively to
805.11.2 Design. Guards required in accordance with Sec- improve the lateral force-resisting system and are not
tion 805.11.1 shall be designed and installed in accordance required by other sections of this code shall not be required to
with the International Building Code. meet the requirements of Section 1609 or Section 1613 of the
International Building Code, provided that the following con-
ditions are met:
STRUCTURAL 1. The capacity of existing structural systems to resist
forces is not reduced.
[BS] 806.1 General. Structural elements and systems within
buildings undergoing Level 2 alterations shall comply with 2. New structural elements are detailed and connected to
this section. existing or new structural elements as required by the
International Building Code for new construction.
[BS] 806.2 Existing structural elements carrying gravity
loads. Any existing gravity load-carrying structural element 3. New or relocated nonstructural elements are detailed
for which an alteration causes an increase in design dead, live and connected to existing or new structural elements as
or snow load, including snow drift effects, of more than 5 required by the International Building Code for new
percent shall be replaced or altered as needed to carry the construction.
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