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           4. The alterations do not create a structural irregularity as  808.2 Altered existing systems. In mechanically ventilated
              defined in ASCE 7 or make an existing structural irreg-  spaces,  existing mechanical ventilation systems  that are
              ularity more severe.                            altered, reconfigured, or extended shall provide not less than
                                                              5 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (0.0024 m /s) per person of out-
                                                              door air and not less than 15 cfm (0.0071 m /s) of ventilation
                           SECTION 807                        air per person; or not less than the amount of ventilation air
                           ELECTRICAL                         determined by the Indoor Air Quality Procedure of ASHRAE
         807.1 New installations.  Newly installed electrical equip-  62.1.
         ment and wiring relating to work done in any work area shall  808.3 Local exhaust. Newly introduced devices, equipment,
         comply with all applicable requirements of NFPA 70 except  or operations that produce airborne particulate matter, odors,
         as provided for in Section 807.3.                    fumes, vapor, combustion products, gaseous contaminants,
         807.2 Existing installations.  Existing wiring in all  work  pathogenic and allergenic organisms, and microbial contami-
         areas in Group A-1, A-2, A-5, H and I occupancies shall be  nants in such quantities as to affect adversely or impair health
         upgraded to meet the materials and methods requirements of  or cause discomfort to occupants shall be provided with local
         Chapter 7.                                           exhaust.
         807.3 Residential occupancies. In Group R-2, R-3 and R-4
         occupancies and  buildings regulated  by the  International            SECTION 809
         Residential Code,  the requirements  of Sections 807.3.1                PLUMBING
         through 807.3.7  shall  be applicable only to  work areas
         located within a dwelling unit.                      809.1 Minimum fixtures.  Where the occupant load of the
                                                              story is increased by more than 20 percent, plumbing fixtures
           807.3.1 Enclosed areas. Enclosed areas, other than clos-
           ets, kitchens, basements, garages, hallways, laundry areas,  for the story shall be provided in quantities specified in the
           utility areas, storage areas and bathrooms shall have not  International Plumbing Code based on the increased occu-
           fewer than two duplex  receptacle outlets or one  duplex  pant load.
           receptacle outlet and one ceiling or wall-type lighting out-
                                                                                SECTION 810
           807.3.2 Kitchens. Kitchen areas shall have not fewer than      ENERGY CONSERVATION
           two duplex receptacle outlets.
                                                              810.1 Minimum requirements. Level 2 alterations to exist-
           807.3.3 Laundry areas. Laundry areas shall have not  ing buildings or structures are permitted without requiring the
           fewer than one duplex receptacle outlet located near the  entire building or  structure to comply with the energy
           laundry equipment and installed on an independent circuit.
                                                              requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code
           807.3.4 Ground fault circuit  interruption.  Newly  or International Residential Code. The alterations shall con-
           installed receptacle outlets shall be provided with ground  form to the energy requirements of the International Energy
           fault circuit interruption as required by NFPA 70.  Conservation Code or International Residential Code as they
           807.3.5 Minimum lighting outlets.  Not fewer than one  relate to new construction only.
           lighting outlet shall be provided in every bathroom, hall-
           way, stairway, attached garage, and detached garage with
           electric  power, and to illuminate outdoor entrances and
           807.3.6 Utility rooms  and basements. Not fewer than
           one lighting outlet shall be provided in utility rooms and
           basements where such spaces are used for storage or con-
           tain equipment requiring service.
           807.3.7 Clearance for equipment. Clearance for electri-
           cal service equipment shall be provided in accordance
           with the NFPA 70.

                           SECTION 808
         808.1 Reconfigured or converted spaces. Reconfigured
         spaces intended for occupancy and spaces converted to habit-
         able or occupiable space in any work area shall be provided
         with natural or mechanical ventilation in accordance with the
         International Mechanical Code.
           Exception: Existing mechanical ventilation systems shall
           comply with the requirements of Section 808.2.

         44                                                             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE  ®
  Copyrighted © 2017 by, or licensed to, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); licensed to UL, LLC pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproductions authorized or distribution authorized.
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