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         903.3 Interior finish. Interior finish in exits serving the work  tem shall be provided  throughout the  work area. Alarm
         area shall comply with Section  802.4  between  the highest  notification appliances shall be provided on such floors
         floor on which there is a work area to the floor of exit dis-  and shall be automatically activated as required by  the
         charge.                                                 International Building Code.
                           SECTION 904                               1. Alarm-initiating and notification appliances shall
                         FIRE PROTECTION                                not be required to  be  installed in  tenant  spaces
                                                                        outside of the work area.
         904.1 Automatic sprinkler systems. An automatic sprinkler
         system shall be provided in a work area where required by   2. Visual alarm notification appliances are not
         Section 802.2 or this section.                                 required, except where an existing alarm system
                                                                        is upgraded or replaced or where a new fire alarm
           904.1.1 High-rise buildings. An automatic sprinkler sys-     system is installed.
           tem shall be provided in work areas where the high-rise
           building has a sufficient municipal water supply for the  904.2.2 Automatic fire detection. Where required by the
           design and installation of an automatic sprinkler system at  International Building Code for new buildings, automatic
           the site.                                             fire detection systems shall be provided throughout the
                                                                 work area.
           904.1.2  Rubbish and linen  chutes. Rubbish and linen
           chutes located in the  work area shall be  provided  with
           automatic sprinkler system protection or an  approved                SECTION 905
           automatic  fire-extinguishing system where protection of           MEANS OF EGRESS
           the rubbish and linen chute would be required under the  905.1 General. The means of egress shall comply with the
           provisions of the International Building Code for new  requirements of Section 805 except as specifically required in
                                                              Sections 905.2 and 905.3.
           904.1.3  Upholstered furniture or mattresses.  Work  905.2 Means-of-egress lighting. Means of egress from the
           areas shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system  highest work area floor to the floor of exit discharge shall be
           in accordance with the International Building Code where  provided with artificial lighting within the exit enclosure in
           any of the following conditions exist:
                                                              accordance with the requirements of the International Build-
              1. A Group F-1 occupancy used for the manufacture of  ing Code.
                upholstered furniture  or  mattresses exceeds 2,500  905.3 Exit signs. Means of egress from the highest work area
                square feet (232 m ).
                                                              floor to the floor of exit discharge shall be provided with exit
              2. A Group M occupancy used for the display and sale  signs in accordance with the requirements  of the  Interna-
                of upholstered furniture or mattresses exceeds 5,000  tional Building Code.
                square feet (464 m ).
              3. A  Group S-1 occupancy used for the storage of
                upholstered furniture  or  mattresses exceeds 2,500             SECTION 906
   **           square feet (232 m ).                                            STRUCTURAL
           904.1.4 Other required automatic sprinkler systems. In  [BS] 906.1 General. Where buildings are undergoing Level 3
           buildings and areas listed in Table 903.2.11.6 of the Inter-  alterations, the provisions of this section shall apply.
           national Building Code, work areas that have exits or cor-  [BS]  906.2 Existing structural elements resisting lateral
           ridors shared by more than one tenant or that have exits or  loads.  Where work involves a substantial structural alter-
           corridors serving an occupant load greater than 30 shall be  ation, the lateral load-resisting system of the altered building
           provided with an automatic sprinkler system under the fol-  shall be shown to satisfy the requirements of Sections 1609
           lowing conditions:                                 and 1613 of the International Building Code. Reduced seis-
              1. The work area is required to be provided with an  mic forces shall be permitted.
                automatic sprinkler system in accordance with  the  Exceptions:
                International Building Code applicable to new con-  1. Buildings of Group R occupancy with not more than
                                                                     five dwelling or sleeping units used solely for resi-
              2. The building site has sufficient municipal water sup-  dential purposes that are altered based on the con-
                ply for design and installation of an automatic sprin-  ventional light-frame construction methods of the
                kler system.                                         International Building Code or in compliance with
         904.2 Fire alarm and detection systems. Fire alarm and      the provisions of the International Residential Code.
         detection shall be provided in accordance with Section 907 of  2. Where the intended  alteration  involves only  the
         the International Building Code as required for new construc-  lowest story of a  building,  only the lateral  load-
         tion.                                                       resisting components in and below that story need
           904.2.1 Manual fire alarm systems. Where required by      comply with this section.
           the International Building Code, a manual fire alarm sys-

         46                                                             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE  ®
  Copyrighted © 2017 by, or licensed to, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); licensed to UL, LLC pursuant to License Agreement with ICC. No further reproductions authorized or distribution authorized.
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