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             exhaust requirements or to increased mechanical ventilation  of occupancy shall be as set forth in Sections 1011.1.1
             requirements in accordance with the International Mechani-  through 1011.1.4. A change of occupancy, as defined in Sec-
             cal Code, the new occupancy shall comply with the respec-  tion 202, without a corresponding change of occupancy clas-
             tive International Mechanical Code provisions.       sification shall comply with Section 1001.2.
                                                                     1011.1.1 Compliance with Chapter 9. The requirements
                                                                     of Chapter 9 shall be applicable throughout the building
                               SECTION 1009
                                 PLUMBING                            for the new occupancy classification based on the separa-
                                                                     tion conditions set forth in  Sections  1011.1.1.1 and
             1009.1 Increased demand. Where the occupancy of an exist-  1011.1.1.2.
             ing building or part of an existing building is changed such
             that the new occupancy is subject to increased or different  1011.1.1.1 Change of occupancy classification with-
             plumbing fixture requirements or to increased water supply  out separation. Where a portion of an existing building
             requirements in accordance with the International Plumbing  is changed to a new occupancy classification or where
             Code, the new occupancy shall comply with the intent of the  there is a change of occupancy within a space where
             respective International Plumbing Code provisions.        there is a different fire protection system threshold
                                                                       requirement in Chapter 9 of the International Building
             1009.2 Food-handling occupancies. If the new occupancy is  Code, and that portion is not separated from  the
             a food-handling  establishment, all existing  sanitary  waste  remainder of the building with fire barriers having a
             lines above the food or drink preparation or storage areas  fire-resistance  rating as required in the  International
             shall be panned or otherwise  protected to prevent  leaking  Building Code  for the separate occupancy,  the  entire
             pipes or condensation on pipes from contaminating food or
                                                                       building shall comply with all of the requirements of
             drink. New drainage lines shall not be installed above such  Chapter 9 of this code applied throughout the building
             areas and shall be protected in accordance with the Interna-
             tional Plumbing Code.                                     for the most restrictive occupancy classification in the
                                                                       building and with the requirements of this chapter.
             1009.3 Interceptor required. If the new occupancy will pro-
                                                                       1011.1.1.2 Change of occupancy classification with
             duce grease  or oil-laden wastes, interceptors shall be pro-
             vided as required in the International Plumbing Code.     separation. Where a portion of an existing building is
                                                                       changed to a new occupancy classification  or where
             1009.4 Chemical wastes. If the new occupancy will produce  there is a change of occupancy within a space where
             chemical wastes, the following shall apply:
                                                                       there is a different fire protection system threshold
               1. If the existing piping is not compatible with the chemi-  requirement in Chapter 9 of the International Building
                  cal waste, the waste shall be neutralized prior to enter-  Code, and that portion is separated from the remainder
                  ing the drainage system, or the piping shall be changed  of the building with fire barriers having a fire-resis-
                  to a compatible material.                            tance rating as  required in the  International Building
                                                                       Code for the separate occupancy, that portion shall
               2. Chemical waste shall not discharge to a public sewer
                  system without the approval of the sewage authority.  comply with all of the requirements of Chapter 9 of this
                                                                       code for the new occupancy classification and with the
             1009.5 Group  I-2. If the  occupancy group is  changed  to  requirements of this chapter.
             Group I-2, the plumbing system shall comply with the appli-
             cable requirements of the International Plumbing Code.  1011.1.2 Fire protection and interior finish. The provi-
                                                                     sions of Sections 1011.2 and 1011.3 for fire protection and
                                                                     interior finish, respectively, shall apply  to all buildings
                               SECTION 1010                          undergoing a change of occupancy classification.
                          OTHER REQUIREMENTS
                                                                     1011.1.3 Change of occupancy classification based on
             1010.1 Light and ventilation. Light and ventilation shall  hazard category. The relative degree of hazard between
             comply with the requirements of the International Building  different occupancy classifications shall be determined in
             Code for the new occupancy.                             accordance with the categories specified in Tables 1011.4,
                                                                     1011.5 and 1011.6. Such a determination shall be the basis
                                                                     for the application of Sections 1011.4 through 1011.7.
                               SECTION 1011
                 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION               1011.2  Fire protection systems. Fire protection  systems
                                                                  shall be provided in accordance with Sections 1011.2.1 and
             1011.1 General. The provisions of this section shall apply to  1011.2.2.
             buildings or portions thereof undergoing a change of occu-
             pancy  classification. This includes a  change of occupancy  1011.2.1 Fire sprinkler system. Where a change in occu-
             classification within  a group as well  as  a change  of occu-  pancy classification occurs or where there is a change of
             pancy classification from one group to a different group or  occupancy within a space where there is a different fire
             where there is a change of occupancy within a space where  protection system threshold requirement in Chapter 9 of
             there is a different fire protection system threshold require-  the International Building Code that requires an automatic
             ment in Chapter 9 of the International Building Code. Such  fire sprinkler  system to  be provided based on the  new
             buildings shall also comply with Sections 1002 through 1010  occupancy in accordance with Chapter 9 of the Interna-
             of this code. The application of requirements for the change  tional Building  Code, such  system shall be provided

             2018 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE ®                                                          51
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