Page 76 - ICC IEBC 2018
P. 76
User note:
About this chapter: Chapter 12 provides some exceptions from code requirements when the building in question has historic value. The
most important criterion for application of this chapter is that the building must be essentially accredited as being of historic significance by a
state or local authority after careful review of the historical value of the building. Most, if not all, states have such authorities, as do many local
jurisdictions. The agencies with such authority can be located at the state or local government level or through the local chapter of the Ameri-
can Institute of Architects (AIA). Other considerations include the structural condition of the building (i.e., is the building structurally sound), its
proposed use, its impact on life safety and how the intent of the code, if not the letter, will be achieved.
SECTION 1201 Section 1612 of the International Building Code, or Section
GENERAL R322 of the International Residential Code, as applicable.
1201.1 Scope. This chapter is intended to provide means for Exception: If a historic building will continue to be a
the preservation of historic buildings. Historic buildings shall historic building after the proposed work is completed,
comply with the provisions of this chapter relating to their then the proposed work is not considered a substantial
repair, alteration, relocation and change of occupancy. improvement. For the purposes of this exception, a historic
building is any of the following:
[BS] 1201.2 Report. A historic building undergoing alter-
ation or change of occupancy shall be investigated and evalu- 1. Listed or preliminarily determined to be eligible for
ated. If it is intended that the building meet the requirements listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
of this chapter, a written report shall be prepared and filed 2. Determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department
with the code official by a registered design professional of Interior to contribute to the historical significance
where such a report is necessary in the opinion of the code of a registered historic district or a district prelimi-
official. Such report shall be in accordance with Chapter 1 narily determined to qualify as a historic district.
and shall identify each required safety feature that is in com-
pliance with this chapter and where compliance with other 3. Designated as historic under a state or local historic
chapters of these provisions would be damaging to the con- preservation program that is approved by the
tributing historic features. For buildings assigned to Seismic Department of Interior.
Design Category D, E or F, a structural evaluation describing, 1201.5 Unsafe conditions. Conditions determined by the **
at a minimum, the vertical and horizontal elements of the lat- code official to be unsafe shall be remedied. Work shall not
eral force-resisting system and any strengths or weaknesses be required beyond what is required to remedy the unsafe
therein shall be prepared. Additionally, the report shall conditions.
describe each feature that is not in compliance with these pro-
visions and shall demonstrate how the intent of these provi-
sions is complied with in providing an equivalent level of SECTION 1202
safety. REPAIRS
1201.3 Special occupancy exceptions—museums. Where a 1202.1 General. Repairs to any portion of a historic building
building in Group R-3 is used for Group A, B or M purposes or structure shall be permitted with original or like materials
such as museum tours, exhibits, and other public assembly and original methods of construction, subject to the provi-
activities, or for museums less than 3,000 square feet (279 sions of this chapter. Hazardous materials, such as asbestos
m ), the code official may determine that the occupancy is and lead-based paint, shall not be used where the code for
Group B where life safety conditions can be demonstrated in new construction would not permit their use in buildings of
accordance with Section 1201.2. Adequate means of egress in similar occupancy, purpose and location.
such buildings, which may include a means of maintaining
doors in an open position to permit egress, a limit on building 1202.2 Replacement. Replacement of existing or missing *
occupancy to an occupant load permitted by the means of features using original materials shall be permitted. Partial
egress capacity, a limit on occupancy of certain areas or replacement for repairs that match the original in configura-
floors, or supervision by a person knowledgeable in the emer- tion, height, and size shall be permitted.
gency exiting procedures, shall be provided. Replacement glazing in hazardous locations shall comply
with the safety glazing requirements of Chapter 24 of the
[BS] 1201.4 Flood hazard areas. In flood hazard areas, if all
proposed work, including repairs, work required because of a International Building Code.
change of occupancy, and alterations, constitutes substantial Exception: Glass block walls, louvered windows, and jal-
improvement, then the existing building shall comply with ousies repaired with like materials. *
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