Page 81 - ICC IEBC 2018
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[BS]1301.3.3 Compliance with flood hazard provisions. building, or to each smoke compartment for Group I-2 occu-
In flood hazard areas, buildings that are evaluated in pancies.
accordance with this section shall comply with Section Where the separation between the mixed occupancies qual-
1612 of the International Building Code, or Section R322 ifies for any category indicated in Section 1301.6.16, the
of the International Residential Code, as applicable if the score for each occupancy shall apply to each portion, or
work covered by this section constitutes substantial smoke compartment of the building based on the occupancy
improvement. of the space.
1301.4 Investigation and evaluation. For proposed work 1301.6.1 Building height and number of stories. The
covered by this chapter, the building owner shall cause the value for building height and number of stories shall be
existing building to be investigated and evaluated in accor- the lesser value determined by the formula in Section
dance with the provisions of Sections 1301.4 through 1301.9. 1301.6.1.1. Section 504 of the International Building
[BS] 1301.4.1 Structural analysis. The owner shall have Code shall be used to determine the allowable height and
a structural analysis of the existing building made to deter- number of stories of the building. Subtract the actual
mine adequacy of structural systems for the proposed building height from the allowable height and divide by
alteration, addition or change of occupancy. The analysis 12 / feet (3810 mm). Enter the height value and its sign
shall demonstrate that the building with the work com- (positive or negative) in Table 1301.7 under Safety Param-
pleted is capable of resisting the loads specified in Chapter eter 1301.6.1, Building Height, for fire safety, means of
16 of the International Building Code. egress, and general safety. The maximum score for a
1301.4.2 Submittal. The results of the investigation and building shall be 10.
evaluation as required in Section 1301.4, along with pro- 1301.6.1.1 Height formula. The following formulas
posed compliance alternatives, shall be submitted to the shall be used in computing the building height value.
code official. ( AH) ( EBH)
Height value, feet = ------------------------------------ × CF
1301.4.3 Determination of compliance. The code official 125
shall determine whether the existing building, with the (Equation 13-1)
proposed addition, alteration, or change of occupancy,
complies with the provisions of this section in accordance Height value, stories = (AS – EBS) × CF
with the evaluation process in Sections 1301.5 through (Equation 13-2)
1301.9. where:
1301.5 Evaluation. The evaluation shall be composed of AH = Allowable height in feet (mm) from Section
three categories: fire safety, means of egress, and general 504 of the International Building Code.
safety, as defined in Sections 1301.5.1 through 1301.5.3.
EBH = Existing building height in feet (mm).
1301.5.1 Fire safety. Included within the fire safety cate- AS = Allowable height in stories from Section 504
gory are the structural fire resistance, automatic fire detec- of the International Building Code.
tion, fire alarm, automatic sprinkler system and fire
suppression system features of the facility. EBS = Existing building height in stories.
CF =1 if (AH) – (EBH) is positive.
1301.5.2 Means of egress. Included within the means of
egress category are the configuration, characteristics, and CF = Construction-type factor shown in Table
support features for means of egress in the facility. 1301.6.6(2) if (AH) – (EBH) is negative.
1301.5.3 General safety. Included within the general Note: Where mixed occupancies are separated and
safety category are the fire safety parameters and the individually evaluated as indicated in Section 1301.6,
means of egress parameters. the values AH, AS, EBH and EBS shall be based on the
height of the occupancy being evaluated.
1301.6 Evaluation process. The evaluation process specified
herein shall be followed in its entirety to evaluate existing 1301.6.2 Building area. The value for building area
buildings in Groups A, B, E, F, M, R, S and U. For existing shall be determined by the formula in Section 1301.6.2.2.
buildings in Group I-2, the evaluation process specified Section 506 of the International Building Code and the
herein shall be followed and applied to each and every indi- formula in Section 1301.6.2.1 shall be used to determine
vidual smoke compartment. Table 1301.7 shall be utilized for the allowable area of the building. Subtract the actual
tabulating the results of the evaluation. References to other building area from the allowable area and divide by
sections of this code or other codes indicate that compliance 1,200 square feet (112 m ). Enter the area value and its
with those sections is required in order to gain credit in the sign (positive or negative) in Table 1301.7 under Safety
evaluation herein outlined. In applying this section to a build- Parameter 1301.6.2, Building Area, for fire safety, means
ing with mixed occupancies, where the separation between of egress and general safety. In determining the area
the mixed occupancies does not qualify for any category indi- value, the maximum permitted positive value for area is
cated in Section 1301.6.16, the score for each occupancy 50 percent of the fire safety score as listed in Table
shall be determined, and the lower score determined for each 1301.8, Mandatory Safety Scores. Group I-2 occupancies
section of the evaluation process shall apply to the entire shall be scored zero.
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