Page 8 - Roseville
P. 8

they also cancelled the trip to comfort and offer
        W       hen Dan arrived at home, he received a letter.
                In this letter there was a drawing so detailed
                with a big red spot and the letter “T”. The
        drawing was so clear that Dan recognized a body. What
        does the red spot mean? He hasn’t cared that much
        because he was going with the others to drink milkshake.
        E     ach week Dan checked the mailbox and noticed
              other drawings and kept them. Unless after one
              month, a scout group was doing their last trip and
        found John Marshall shot in the chest and lying on the
        basement’s floor in an abundant house near the city.
        With this news, the chaos blew the town and no one felt
        at ease. The doors were locked, the kids at home, the
        windows closed, the curtains down. Roseville became a
        T    he Marshall family – The parents Harry Marshall
             and Elizabeth Glover and john’s sister Rebecca
             Marshall, John’s parents owned the Silk Factory –,
        buried John’s corpse. -The family moved a while ago to
        Roseville- All the people felt upset for the death of the
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