Page 11 - Roseville
P. 11

interrogation he was confident of his response. Lisa
        doubted that the maths teacher was the killer and could
        agree with the janitor to clean the dirt. Joe accused the
        security man for claiming nobody came to school, but the
        fact was that John’s parents sent their son to school.
        H     aving a doubt about the three of them lying, the
              group decided to see the past of the suspects.
              According to Tony’s and Joseph’s, these two
        weren’t guilty at all. Although Sally hasn’t been on Social-
        Media since last year. Depending on Mrs. Emma
        Watson’s – Her real name – reply: “I was married to
        someone so aggressive, every morning he was hitting me
        badly. So I decided to run-away and I changed my
        appearance so he wouldn’t recognize me. And I altered
        my social-network then he cannot follow me and take
        me back to that miserable life again”.
        A     fter the pasts of them, the little detectives
              decided to watch the videotape of the cameras in
              the building. The tape where john was shot has
        been deleted. Trying to see anything related to blood
        spot or gunpowder the group separates in the halls, the
        classes, the backyard and the canteen. And Dan found
        some drop of blood on the main stairs in front of the
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