Page 13 - Roseville
P. 13

Chapter II

                  The Disappeared Town

        A     fter two months of ordinary life, Lisa and Dan
              take notice a number of abandoned cars in their
              neighborhood. The car of the sheriff was one of
        them. The teens have gone to the sheriff station trying to
        reach Mr. Miller, but, when they arrived, the sheriff was
        replaced with a new one, Sean Churchill, so they tried to
        remember anything about the missing man. But,
        everything he owned and everything related to him has
        been disappeared except for his car. His family – Sonia
        Blake his wife and Alan Miller his son – were anxious
        about its lost. Alan decided to search and bring back his
        father in-one-piece alive. As the group was searching for
        any evidence that he’s still alive, Alan wanted to join the
        A     t 8:30 in the morning, all the students have gone
              to school. The first period was maths. Gabriella
              Hemmings entered: She is the “new teacher”
        announced Edward the director. The squad was having
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