P. 25

Roads for water: using

              roads to harvest rainwater

             By    BLESSINGS   JERANJI    &
             RAINWATER          HARVESTING

             The Rainwater Harvesting Association
             of Malawi is working together with
             the Flood-Based Livelihoods Network
             Foundation and Meta Meta from the
             Netherlands in the promotion of Flood-
             Based Farming Systems (FBFS) with the
             aim of harnessing floods into a useful

             Where as floods are often associated with               Road run-off can be vital for rain harvesting
             havoc and disaster, through FBFS floods
             are turned into an asset and the main   serve as a harvesting structure of the rain   used for flowering in the city, groundwater
             source of water and moisture for multiple   water. Malawi being a developing country   recharge, roadside tree planting, seasonal
             uses.                           and one of its planned projects being the   irrigation, fishery and many more.
                                             construction of roads, this calls for us to
             FBFS is an initiative that covers a wide   pay attention to Roads for Water concept.  Roads for Water is an idea of draining
             array of resource systems that depend                            water from roads to keep the roads in good
             on temporary floods such as spate   As we are constructing roads in Malawi   condition and put raod run-off water into
             irrigation and flood water spreading   we should not just look at the fact of   beneficial use. For years Malawians have
             from  ephemeral rivers; flood recession/  connecting point A to B. we should also   been affected from the flooding of roads,
             flood  rise  systems, inundation  canals   consider the damage the roads bring to   evident is seen during rainy season where
             and flood compartmentalization systems,   the hydrology of an area and we should   some cars are seen trying to navigate
             centered on flood plains; land depression   also see the potentials that roads bring if   or at times stuck in swamps of water in
             systems (dambos and low lands), based   properly designed.       different districts of the country; poor
             on temporary land inundation; and                                roads drainage system being one cause.
             harvesting run off from roadsides.   This calls for organizations from different
                                             sectors to work together in designs and   This water if properly diverted to efficient
             “Roads for Water” is a working concept   implementation of roads construction   drainage systems and stored can be used
             in many countries, where rain water is   and roadside development. For example   for other beneficial use. Roads for Water
             harvested with the aid of roads. The roads   water from the roads can be collected and   requires construction of water storage
                                                                              reservoirs along the roads. A rainfall of 30
                                                                              mm on a 1 km of road produces about one
                                                                              thousand litres of water.

                                                                              Road run-off harvesting yields numerous
                                                                              social and economic benefits, and
                                                                              contributes to  poverty alleviation  and
                                                                              sustainable development. The Rainwater
                                                                              Harvesting  Association of Malawi will
                                                                              from this year promote the systematic
                                                                              use of roads for water recharge/retention,
                                                                              storage and management. Various water
                                                                              harvesting  techniques  will  be promoted
                                                                              including farm ponds, infiltration pits,
                                                                              percolation ponds and negarims will be
                                                                              promoted in farms to collect the road

                                                                              It is hoped that this will reduce damage
                                                                              from roads through flooding, erosion and
                                                                              sediment deposition. It will also promote
                                                                              environmental  conservation  though
                                                                              groundwater recharge and increased soil
                                                                              moisture retention.
            Road run-Off can be used to fill burrow pits used for livestock drinking
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