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             active in community health, faecal sludge
             management, behaviour change, food
             hygiene, hand-washing, household water
             treatment systems, lighting of health
             centres and schools, solar water supply,
             and community solar kiosks. The Centre’s
             work  has  included  both  programme
             implementation and evaluation, and
             cooperation with a range of stakeholders:
             from   community   members   to
             international donors.
             With a focus on capacity building, the
             Centre has also sponsored Masters and
             PhD degree students in renewable energy
             and WASH; provided training to NGOs,
             government institutions, the private
             sector and rural communities in WASH
             and renewable energy; delivered trainings
             in the areas of faecal sludge management,
             the RANAS model, monitoring and
             evaluation and managing research grants.
             These areas will be extended and the
             Centre  will  be  providing  a  regular  and
             structured  programme  of  training  for
             Centre staff have been active in both                A solar water system tank by WASHTed
             outreach and consultancy for many years,   the achievement of the Malawi Growth   provision of expert advice, policy review,
             engaging with a range of stakeholders to   and Development Strategy and the   project evaluation and the implementation
             influence policy and practice both locally   Sustainable Development Goals.  of joint projects.
             and internationally. This has included the
             production of national toolkits (e.g.village   To date, the Centre has worked with   WASHTED projects have been funded
             health committee training),  gap analysis   a number of partners and donors   by the Scottish Government, European
             for the National Health Research Agenda,   including: University of Strathclyde, Swiss   Union, World Health Organisation
             and supporting the development of   Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and   (WHO), UK Aid, Irish Aid, GiZ,
             national policies such as the Community   Technology (EAWAG), London School of   Association of African Universities,
             Health,  Open   Defaecation  and  Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (SHARE),   German Academic Services (DAAD) and
             Handwashing with Soap strategies.   Royal College of Surgeons Ireland,   the Water Research Commission.
             WASHTED    has  also  contributed  Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI)
             significantly to the development of the   of Germany, The Government of Malawi,   For more information on the Centre and
             WASH, health and renewable energy   United Purpose (formerly Concern   current projects please visit www.washted.
             sectors in the country, and its primary   Universal), and Water for People. These   mw
             focus is to continue contributing toward   partners have been supportive in the

                                                                 Centre for Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Appropriate
                                                                             Technology Development

                                                                Vision: To be a Centre of Excellence for research, capacity
                                                                 building and outreach in water, sanitation, hygiene and
                                                                    appropriate technology development, for health.

                                                                 Mission: To be a leader in generating knowledge, and
                                                                   through dissemination, inform policy and practice.
                                                                   WASHTED’s multidisciplinary approach aims to
                                                                 contribute significantly towards the achievement of the
                                                                  Malawi Growth and Development Strategy, and the
                                                                Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through local and
                                                                            international collaboration.
                   WASHTed Team members

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