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       Various studies have revealed that current models of
       providing water are failing disastrously. They are neither
       sustainable for poor communities nor value for money
       for donors.  In Malawi, as in many southern African
       countries, the clear majority of people are dependent on
       community managed wells for access to safe water. Yet
       many rural communities are poorly served and those
       with access to a communal well are frequently let down
       by poor functionality, forcing both groups to resort to
       unsafe sources.
       According to The World Bank and DFID non-
       functionality of the current models runs at 40%. Official
       studies show that currently two million Malawians have
       no access to improved water. However, in reality at least
       7 million more cannot access improved water because of
       poor functionality. Where they exist, communal water
       points are not convenient for the vast majority of users
       as  most  of them  have  to  make  a  500m  round  trip  to
       access water. This limits use for hygiene and productive
       purposes. Additionally, approved technology by the
       government is limited to two officially sanctioned hand
       pump designs that are at most complicated and expensive
       to repair.                                              Wash Entrepreneurs testing a Self-Supply pump
       It is against this background that Pump Aid came up
       with a small enterprise driven Self-Supply initiative as a
       sustainable model for access to water mainly in the rural   Entrepreneurs can deliver improved access   even though they received a treadle pump for free, they
       areas of the country.                 to water via a business model; and most   preferred to invest in a rope irrigation pump.”
                                             importantly, this approach can deliver a range
       Self-Supply is defined as improvements to household   of benefits such as improving livelihoods;   Following the pilot project, Pump Aid has recommended
       or community water supplies that are fully financed by   responding to demand; increasing functionality   that initial and ongoing investment is required in order
       the owners themselves, neither governments nor NGOs   and sustainability of WASH facilities: achieving   for  Self-Supply  to  take  root  across  Malawi  and  that  the
       provide subsidies for capital investment or for operation   access to water targets; encouraging ownership;   Government of Malawi should urgently seek to establish an
       and maintenance. The products and services for the   fostering sharing; enhancing convenience and   enabling environment by implementing a policy framework
       water source improvements are usually provided on a   health benefits; and delivering value for money.  that explicitly support Self-Supply, actively promote the role
       commercial basis by local private enterprises.                         of the private sector, improving access to credit, training
                                             Said Zumu-Mwale: “Our ‘Wash Entrepreneurs’   for WASH Entrepreneurs and customer quality assurance,
       Self-Supply  emphasizes  incremental  improvements  to   have at least doubled their incomes thereby   recognizing rope and washer pump technology as a form of
       water and sanitation facilities. People start by digging a   stimulating local economies as they are   improved water delivery for communities unsuited to more
       well with a basic cover, then when funds are available,   now able to create financially sustainable   complex interventions and establishing a Working Group to
       the  well  is  lined  to  protect  from  collapse,  then  finally   businesses. We have also shown that poor rural   act as a national level coordinating and promotion body and
       install a pump. Gradually even poor rural communities   communities both want better WASH services   promoting Self-Supply within government, notably by the
       can improve their access to improved water. Across the   and have income to invest, we are treating   Ministry of Health.
       globe many countries have positive experience of Self-  people as customers rather than beneficiaries.
       Supply. In the USA over 10 million people are reliant   For households,  ownership brings increased   “Practically, up-scaling in Malawi will require numerous
       on Self-Supply, in Ethiopia the government has recently   reliability and for water point committees   actors.  Initially, geographic  expansion  from  Kasungu  will
       enshrined  Self-Supply  into  its  Water  Growth  and   improved  maintenance  brings  increased   allow for a more organic growth, providing for increased
       Development Policy and in Zimbabwe over two million   functionality.   customer demand through word of mouth, as this project
       people are supported with access to improved water                     found out, a crucial marketing method. A business focused
       through Self-Supply.                  “Self-Supply pumps and wells are owned and   approach is also crucial to ensure financially sustainable
                                             maintained by the investor, not the government,   WASH entrepreneurs and a scale up of self-supply in Malawi
       Between 2014 and 2016 Pump Aid has been in Kasungu   nor an NGO, this relieves budget pressure and   which isn’t dependent on external funding,” said Zumu-
       piloting and testing the suitability and sustainability   releases resources for other areas. Further,   Mwale.
       of Self-Supply to Malawian rural communities. Pump   households that share water resources with
       Aid tested this approach by inspiring 25 ‘WASH   neighbours, multiply their impact while shorter   Self-supply has a specific role to play in the fight to improve
       Entrepreneurs’ to establish financially sustainable   distances to water frees up time for other   food security. Since the pilot ended, Pump Aid has been
       businesses, providing water and sanitation products   purposes; and more convenient access increases   supporting entrepreneurs to market and sell cheap reliable
       and services, and these WASH Entrepreneurs were   the use of water for hygienic purposes.”  rope and washer irrigation pumps to farmers. In a country
       simultaneously supported by Pump Aid with training                     where less than 12% of small scale farmers use irrigation,
       and marketing to stimulate demand.    Zumu-Mwale also said that Self-Supply   it is vital to offer farmers the option to invest in affordable
                                             projects are significantly more cost effective   productive and easily repairable technology, so that harvests
       Pump Aid Country Director Tiyese Zumu-Mwale   to implement than standard community well   and yields can be increased.
       explained that Pump Aid worked closely with a “very   projects, especially in remote and hard to reach
       supportive” District Council staff but the pilot took   areas.         Zumu-Mwale added: “We have seen a high demand for
       a zero-subsidy approach with the entrepreneurs, no                     Self-Supply irrigation pumps amongst farmers in Mchinji
       start up kits and no soft loans. Overall, the training   According to Pump Aid, Kasungu District   and Kasungu, even where farmers have been provided with
       and support of the 25 entrepreneurs and their active   and Malawi in general, provide many of the   treadle pumps for free by NGOs,  are not using them because
       engagement in business led to new access to improved   conditions  for Self-Supply to  take  root and   they do not meet the farmer’s needs. We are showing that
       water for at least 9,660 people and has secured access   thrive: high levels of groundwater, a supply of   by giving farmers a choice and clear information about how
       to improved water for a further 12,000 in three T/As in   artisans working at community level, a sizeable   much the pump costs and how much they can expect to
       Kasungu.                              population  without  improved  access  to  water   yield, farmers are willing to invest their own money. This is
                                             and a generally supportive government.  the exact opposite to an aid dependency approach.”
       “Over 20,000 people secured access to improved water
       and many more now wish to take advantage of this   “Each of the markets offers potential for small   As  more  people  adopt  the  Self-Supply  initiative,  more
       opportunity. At  a  per  capita  cost  of less than  50%   scale entrepreneurs, but they all require initial   people see the benefits and want the pumps for themselves.
       compared to traditional approaches, this approach has   support to develop,” said Zumu-Mwale.  According to Pump Aid, the WASH Entrepreneurs have
       demonstrated  that  communities  could  be  resistance  to             already received expressions of interest from double the
       climate shocks and its suitability and being beneficial to   On improved functionality Zumu-Mwale said:   number of customers they have previously served, and
       several particular client groups that include: the WASH   “Non-functionality in T/A Kawamba, T/A   this  creates  an  opportunity  for  Pump  Aid,  the  Malawi
       Entrepreneurs; individual and groups of households;   Njombwa and T/A Kaomba, where the pilot   Government and all agencies working in Malawi to seize
       users of community wells; and small-scale farmers   was  conducted  is  at the lowest, less than  3%,   the potential of Self-Supply and bring the benefits of clean,
       wanting to improve irrigation,” explained Zumu-Mwale.  compared to other T/As in the same district,   safe water to the maximum number of people in the shortest
                                             surely this is not a coincidence.Again,currently   possible time.
       The Kasungu pilot project has shown that WASH   100% of the farmers that have used the rope
                                             Pole Model have stopped using treadle pumps
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