Page 10 - CNIS Annual Report 2022
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   The Bethune Round Table is an annual interdisciplinary meeting hosted at a Canadian academic\u000A centre to discuss challenges and solutions to improving surgical care to underserved and\u000A marginalized patients locally, regionally and globally. The objective of the meeting is to bring\u000A together health professionals from across disciplines to share their experience in delivering safe\u000A surgery and anaesthetic care in low-resource settings.\u000A Hosted by the UBC Branch of Global Surgery, the 2022 BRT was conducted as a virtual event.\u000A The theme was \u201CDecolonization of Global Surgery\u201D which was addressed in a keynote by Salome\u000A Maswine, Head of Global Surgery at the University of Cape Town. The almost 300 participants\u000A came from 52 different countries. There were 101 scientific papers presented and 10 invited\u000A presentations. CNIS hosted a post conference workshop on How to Conduct a Randomized\u000A Control Trial (RCT) in Clinical Education. This was based on our RCT evaluation of the Digital\u000A version of the FIRST for Midwives course conducted in Nigeria. At the CNIS November 2022\u000A AGM, the University of Toronto, Hospital for Sick Children was selected to host the 2023 BRT.\u000A    Hospital for Sick Children\u000A9 ANNUAL REPORT 2022\u000AMay 27 - 29, 2023\u000A Toronto, Ontario, Canada\u000A Toronto, Ontario, Canada\u000A

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