Page 11 - CNIS Annual Report 2022
P. 11

  Financials\u000A  Budget/Loss Statement for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023\u000A               IDAC\u000A   Donner\u000A   WHO\u000AIncome\u000A   Global Surgery Foundation\u000A   FIT\u000A   Harbinger/Makeway\u000A   Intuitive Foundation\u000A   Other\u000A   Total Revenue\u000A    Net Income\u000A$ 30,000.00\u000A$ 25,000.00\u000A$ 99,231.00\u000A$ 27,740.00\u000A$ 20,000.00\u000A$ 20,000.00\u000A$ 51,000.00\u000A$ 58,486.00\u000A$ 331,457.00\u000A$ 4,557.00\u000A  The CNIS operations and programs are funded by a combination of partnerships with\u000A10 ANNUAL REPORT 2022\u000AOverhead\u000A           Total Expenses\u000AExpenses\u000ADirect Program Costs\u000A$ 266,466.00\u000A$ 60,434.00\u000A $ 326,900.00\u000A   individual donor support, businesses, educational institutes, churches, corporations and\u000A international funders. Every dollar raised is maximized to providing the support needed to the\u000A development and production of the various training programs.\u000A 

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