Page 7 - CNIS Annual Report 2022
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CNIS Vancouver\u000AMessage from the CEO\u000ADr. Ronald Lett - Vancouver\u000A CEO and Director of Curriculum Development\u000A Founder of the Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS), Dr. Ronald\u000A Lett did his undergraduate medical training and post-graduate surgical\u000A training at the University of Alberta and completed his Masters in Injury\u000A Epidemiology at McGill University. Since 1995 he has completed 14 Canadian\u000A government-funded projects in Africa focused on surgical and obstetrical\u000A skills training as well as injury prevention. He is the CNIS lead on the 9 county\u000A TTProject in Kenya.\u000A In 2022 CNIS entered its 28th year of operations and is building on its strength which includes 12\u000A programs and partnerships in Africa and the Caribbean. This year\u2019s programming highlights were\u000A Trauma Team Training of front line workers in Kenya, Skills Training of Medical, Clinical and\u000A Nursing students in Tanzania, the Bethune Round Table and development of clinical guidelines\u000A with the WHO. In 2023 we will continue these activities plus build skills lab and implement\u000A training in Dodoma, Tanzania with Rotary support and with additional support initiate training in\u000A Nigeria and Ethiopia.\u000A Pre-pandemic, CNIS started digital updates of our programming to increase surgical and\u000A obstetrical teaching of cognitive, management and technical skills. This allowed us to continue\u000A implementing programs during the pandemic and position CNIS to utilize the expertise that was\u000A developed in the post pandemic era. Three of our 12 skills programs are digitized and the 4th\u000A program (Traumatic Brain & Spine Injury) will be digitized in 2023.\u000A The CNIS mandate has not changed but our digital methods have responded to the current\u000A demands. CNIS training continues to be of high quality and cost-effective which makes our\u000A programming attractive to learners and funders. The 2022 support of instructors, learners,\u000A partners and funders has resulted in substantive achievements.\u000A 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2022\u000A