Page 4 - HAND-BOOK-v1.7
P. 4

Standards of Conduct

               ASI.COM.PH, INC. expects that all employees conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner.
               An  employee  should  not  conduct  business  that is unethical in any way, nor shoul d an employee
               influence other employees to act unethically. Furthermore, an employee should report any dishonest
               activities or damaging conduct to an appropriate supervisor.

               Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP)

               ASI.COM.PH, INC. uses an online ERP System. A web-based software that you can access anytime and
               anywhere as long as you have internet. Provided you enroll your Public IP address by contacting FMS.

                   1.  Individual Attendances can be monitored through this System.
                   2.  Payroll Collection and acknowledgment along with item issuances and staff applications.
                   3.  Staff are required to open their ERP every day.
                   4.  Staff are not allowed to give account details to anyone.

               **Failure to follow #4 - Termination/Suspension

               Facebook at Work

               Latest announcements and new directives will be posted in Facebook at Work which serves as the
               primary communication means.

               Proper Office Decorum

               Right working attitude is expected from the employees in the workplace. ASI.COM.PH, INC. aims to
               preserve professionalism. Listed below are the rules for proper office decorum:

                   1.  Loitering is not allowed.
                   2.  Using Headset is not allowed, unless when communicating with the client.
                   3.  Music should be in lower volume to avoid distraction/interruption to your co-employee.
                   4.  Taking a meal shall be done on Official meal break. (12-1pm)
                   5.  Playing games is prohibited during office hours.
                   6.  Coming to work under the influence of Alcohol is not allowed.
                   7.  Use of Prohibited drugs is not allowed.

               1  offense – Verbal Warning
               2  offense – Issuance of Complaints
               3  Offense – Under observation (memorandum), 1 day suspension, No pay
               4  offense – 3-7 days suspension
               5  offense – Termination

               Automation and Security Inc.
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