Page 9 - HAND-BOOK-v1.7
P. 9

6.1.2  No official Receipt may result to Rejection of your Reimbursement.
                          6.1.3  All Reimbursement must be filed within 24 hours.
                          6.1.4  All Reimbursement must be disbursed within 24 hours.

                 6.2  Transportation Expenses

                          6.2.1  Receipt is mandatory for those employees who ride taxi.
                          6.2.2  For Jeepney Fare, Employee should reimburse per ride. (For example, Office to
                                 Cubao PHP 8, Cubao to Fairview PHP 12, etc.)

                 6.3  Gasoline Expenses

                          6.3.1  Must declare Odometer for every Liquidation
                          6.3.2  Gasoline must be end with 9 (P99, 89, 109, etc.)

                 6.4  Representation Expenses

                          6.4.1  Sales are entitled for P1000 worth of Representation per month.
                          6.4.2  More than that amount is subject for approval of the Management.

               Sanction: Cancellation/Rejection of Reimbursement
                          Dishonesty - Suspension/Termination

               8.  Allowance

                   7.1 Food Allowance
                          7.1.1  Staff that is in out of town trip and requires to stay more than 24 hours are entitled
                                 for Food Allowance.
                          7.1.2  P100 each day.

                   7.2 Accommodation Allowance
                          7.2.1  Company is responsible for Accommodation for any out of town trip.

                   7.3 Training Allowance
                          7.3.1  During the training, staff are entitled for training allowance and it is automatically
                                 included in the Payroll.
                          7.3.2  Staff that receives this type of allowance are not entitled for any Food Allowance.

               8.  Sales Order (SO)

                   8.1  With  Installation  -  Must  collect  50%  Down  payment,  30%  upon  delivery,  and  20%  upon
                        completion of the project.
                   8.2  Items Only with Stock – Cash on Delivery.
                   8.3  Items without Stock – Must collect 50% Down payment and 50% upon delivery.

               Automation and Security Inc.
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