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The Other Side of the V – Social Impact Report 2020
over,’ and such requests are often produced significant doubt as to the process. Tang was at first surprised
denied,” according to Tang, noting fairness of the client’s 2011 trial. by the connection she developed
the core pillar of the client’s case. The trial counsel testified candidly with the client, which continued
“And in Baltimore City, particularly, about his efforts on behalf of the to grow over time. From her place
the rumor was that it was nearly client, or lack thereof; he admitted as a prosecutor, the man would
impossible to be granted post- that he only met with the client for have simply been the defendant;
conviction relief.” about 30 minutes total over three representing him, though, she
separate visits, and did not explore found herself moved by his fraught
Nevertheless, Tang worked the relevant issues or other witnesses in upbringing and experience with
case as hard as she could, exploring his preparation. He also admitted to pervasive gun violence. “I found
all the potential and developing failing to prepare the client to testify myself developing empathy for
issues with the same vigor she had on his own behalf. Ultimately, the someone accused of very serious
once employed when working as a Court found Tang and McGuckian’s offenses-. This journey has been
prosecutor—but now on the other arguments for relief compelling and eye-opening on both a professional
side of the v. in the case listing. As ordered a new trial. and personal level,” observed Tang.
an advocate for the defense, she
persisted through administrative The Miles & Stockbridge team The team also knew there was
and witness road blocks. “I did not didn’t stop there, asking for and a realistic ceiling to what could be
back down if I hit an investigatory receiving permission to represent accomplished—this was not going
dead end.” the client throughout the retrial to be a Hollywood ending, where the
Tang and McGuckian’s efforts
tracked two parallel paths: they
worked to gather as much infor-
mation as possible about the events
of February 2010 that led to the
client’s arrest, while at the same time
investigating the quality of previous
counsel’s representation at the
trial. The former effort highlighted
hitherto unknown nuance that, while
not mitigating a tragic sequence of
events, offered some context to
them. The latter unearthed some
Rosalyn Tang, Principal Rachel McGuckian, Principal very clear deficiencies that at least
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