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The Other Side of the V – Social Impact Report 2020
client would necessarily walk free Ultimately, the client accepted incarcerated in Cumberland, Bridging the Gap:
into the sunset, at least not right a plea deal on what would have navigating emotional and legal
away. Three men had still been shot. been the first day of his new issues with his family, working with
One had succumbed to his injuries. trial, effectively shaving his 65- expert witnesses and managing Miles & Stockbridge Launches
For Tang, the objective was clear: year sentence down to 35 years. the overall preparation of a very Black Business & Start-Up Initiative to Kick-Start
“Our goal was to provide the best Allowing that the client is eligible difficult case.”
representation possible, ensure for parole after serving half of Opportunities for Minority-Owned Businesses
that [the client’s] rights were being that time, and factoring in nine And on her end, Tang was gifted
protected and seek a better result years of time served and potential with the opportunity to see how
than what came down in 2011.” The mitigation for good behavior, the the process often worked—and
team communicated with the client hope is that he will be released often didn’t—for those on the other
regularly, transparently apprised before decade’s end. side of the v.: the defendants. She
him of the status of the case and
provided him with discovery, so that McGuckian was impressed by saw firsthand the difference her
he could meaningfully participate the dedication with which Tang efforts made in another person’s
in his own defense. Ultimately, Tang tackled the case. “Roz was life, a person she otherwise
and McGuckian developed and instrumental in preparing a may never have known, and the
fostered a trusting relationship with comprehensive post-conviction ramifications of that fortuitous
the client, which streamlined their petition, interviewing witnesses, intersection will ripple on through
myriad efforts—in the courtroom subpoenaing records, working both in the weeks and months and
and beyond—made on his behalf. with [the client] while he was years to come. ■
hough the ultimate and the murder of George Floyd what those solutions might be,
measure of change is at the hands of Minnesota police but what we as individuals and
T yet to be determined, sparked a hot season of unrest and organizations might be able to do
what cannot be denied is that the protest, and the opening notes of to effect solutions.
summer of 2020 will be written a reckoning over racial disparities
about in history books, one way and hostilities. Venroy July, a principal in Miles
or the other. With social tensions & Stockbridge’s corporate practice,
steadily rising in the preceding In the taxing summer of 2020, understood firsthand the struggles
years, the one-two punch of a people from all walks of life and and challenges minorities faced
global pandemic that unmasked across industries began to wonder, in America. The protests and the
pervasive inequalities in real time perhaps for the first time, not just national discussion that exploded
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