P. 11


               We believe that an ideal teacher is someone who
               never stop learning. In this school we learned so
               many  things  that will affect  how we see
               education and how we conduct ourselves when
               standing in front of the learners going forward. In
               this school we were exposed to a lot of diversity
               concerning the learners background, culture and
               learning abilities. As a result of interacting with
               these learners from  different background, who
               speak different languages we gained knowledge
               and skills  on how to communicate, work  and
               understand all the learners. We also learned how
               to be inclusive and the importance of inclusivity.

               In this school we  learned the importance of
               harmony and  collaboration amongst the
               colleagues/teachers.  Being an ideal teacher
               means that as an educator you must be able to
               communicate with other educators  in  good
               manner  and  help other educators,  in that way
               teaching and learning will take place effectively.

               For some of us it was the first time we were in
               the school where we have the opportunity to
               integrate technology to our lessons. In this
               school we got an opportunity to use technology
               to enhance learners understanding of the
               content. We also learned as educators how to
               effectively use technology in our lessons, which
               is a very important skill to for an ideal teacher as
               we already in the fourth industrial revolution.

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