Page 13 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 13

Photos by Sam Zauscher

           Mr. Nelson went on to   Ballet and San Diego Musical   Habitat for Humanity volun-  “I’m most excited to be sharing
        dance for the Boston Ballet   Theatre. Considered one of   teer, she has built houses   my vision of ballet with San
        and the Washington Ballet at   the best choreographers of   around the world and is a   Diego's diverse audiences, and
        the Kennedy Center in starring  his time, Jared’s repertoire of   founding member of Habitat’s   to move the company into the
        roles as principal dancer and   innovative works continues   All-Women’s Blitz Builds, now   limelight worldwide.”
        choreographer for over two   to fill the theatres with an   an official Habitat program.        —Jared Nelson
        decades. Jared has danced   ever-more diverse audience.   Bettie is a former Iowa Teach-
        works by Nacho Duato, Paul    Bettie Youngs, Ph.D.,   er-of-the-Year and Graduate    California Ballet’s season
        Taylor, Twyla Tharp, Mark Mor-  Ed.D., Now Leadership   School Professor of Admin-  kicked off on November 9
        ris, Choo San Goh, Jiri Kylian,   on the Board of Directors for    istration & Management at   and l0 with Jared Nelson’s
        and Antony Tudor. He also had  California Ballet, is no   SDSU.                   Noche Latina, an evening of
        many original works created   stranger to board          Bettie is founder and    fire and romance with a Latin
        for him by Septime Webre   membership, having served   CEO of Bettie Youngs Book   flare. The evening featured
        including The Great Gatsby,   for the Fuller Center for   Publishing Co., which special-  Bizet's Carmen and the world
        ALICE (in Wonderland), Peter   Housing International, served   izes in bringing memoirs to   premiere of Jared Nelson's
        Pan, Cinderella, and Heming-  on the Board of Trustees for   e-book, audible, and film.  She  fiery Bolero with a live Cuban
        way: The Sun Also Rises.   Drake University, Habitat for   is also the author of 24 books  Band. It was a huge success.
           Jared joined California   Humanity, and is a charter   published in 18 languages.
        Ballet in 2015 as a Guest   member of The National WWII   She is a San Diego Business  Friends and I drove from LA to
        Artist, Stager, and Choreog-  Museum, an affiliate of the   Journal “Women Who Mean   see Noche Latina and attend
        rapher staging his original   Smithsonian Institute, just to   Business” award winner   the After Party with a live
        works, Ruled by Secrecy and   name a few!             and a member of Corporate       Cuban Band. Jared Nelson’s
        Jump Jive. In 2016 he choreo-   Bettie founded The Fuller   Alliance, San Diego. Contact  exquisite, edgy and avant-
        graphed Billy Elliot the Musi-  Center for Housing, San   Bettie at info@BettieYoungs.  garde choreography is not to be
        cal, co-produced by California   Diego, serving as the Execu-  com.                   missed!” — Dr. Aura Imbarus
                                   tive Director until 2017.  As a                        the Holiday Season and the
                                                                                             California Ballet heads into
         Photos by Sam Zauscher                                                           mighty performances of The

                                                                                             In April California Ballet
                                                                                          will move into Jared Nelson’s
                                                                                          World Premier of Cinderella

                                                                                     Thank you City Lights for the use of your location for
                                                                                     our Cover Shot. City Lights is a 28,000 square feet of
                                                                                     Christmas located at 1212 Knoxville St. San Diego.
                                                                                     Phone: (619) 275-1006.
                                                                                     If you love Christmas you must visit this Christmas
                                                                                     Wonderland. Thank you for sharing it with our

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