Page 15 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 15

Chinese 2019

        dience are primarily teens   istic you are, the less likely
        to early 30s, low income to   you are to become desper-            New Year
        middle class, who are “ei-  ate & make poor choices.
        ther aspiring or transition-  Keep your eyes open and be   The Year of the Prosperous Pig
        ing in careers”. Sulavon feels  safe.”
        in order to encourage her      When I asked Sulavon                       By Gerald Neff
        audience to “pursue their   what she thought of the
        dreams without hesitation,”   beauty business, again her
        looking too polished is not   response was insightful and
        the image she wanted to    I didn’t want to paraphrase
        project.                   her response. “I think the
           Sulavon’s vision works,   beauty business can be a
        all you have to do is watch   double-edged sword.  It has
        her show live on Sunday    the power to be inclusive
        nights at 6:30 p.m. CMT,   and customized to each
        or you can also watch past   specific individual.  Howev-
        shows with a plethora      er, there are companies that
        of guests from authors,    tend to push product and/
        producers, film makers,    or beauty ideals that are        What a wonderful and prosperous year it shall be!
                                                                    Indeed the sign of the pig has always been a good
        bloggers, actors, dancers,   only realistic for a relative-  omen. It probably has the least negative factors and traits
        painters, photographers,   ly small demographic of       of all the twelve Chinese horoscope animal signs.
        marketing gurus, models,   individuals.  I think that’s     The pig is mild and peaceful. It never hurt others, but
        the list is exhaustive. And   why I tend to focus more   instead brings economic benefits to people and tradition-
        the one thing that is true to   on health & wellness -- in   ally is the literal piggy bank of farmers the world over. Lots
                                                                 of offspring are welcomed at and on everyone’s table for
        form with every single show  addition to -- the aesthetic   food and prosperity.
        is that Sulavon makes her   aspects of the beauty busi-     Our four-footed friendly animal is a boon to mankind
        guests feel comfortable and   ness.”                     with courage on all fronts. They bring good luck to modern
        she is so genuine asking the   I of course had to ask    business and personal relations. They’ve been compared to
                                                                 a knight who is ready to help others as knights often do.
        questions you really want   some of the insightful          They are self-confident and bring this quality to others.
        to know the answers to, and  questions myself for this   Pigs have a frankness and sincerity that can win help from
        every question is so insight-  interview, so I found out   all people, who will automatically without their request to
        ful that you feel not only   Sulavon’s passion is helping   do so. Pigs are hard working throughout life and perform
        entertained but educated.   people and she has a very    all sorts of favors. They have an unconquerable spirit and
                                                                 as mentioned very great courage. The result is almost al-
           I felt compelled some-  unique hobby, well sort of,   ways perfect therefore full confidence should be rendered
        what to ask Sulavon what   she raises guinea pigs. She   to those born in the year of the pig to let them strive for
        advice she would give to an   admits it was never planned   accomplishment.
        aspiring young person, who  that she would become a         The balance of all of these great attributes is their weak-
        wanted to become a model.   “guinea pig” breeder, but    ness in being a bit impatient and of course being a pig in
                                                                 regard to certain eating habits. They believe that others
        I won’t even try to para-  nonetheless she is. She       should be at their level of success and work ethic; however
        phrase her answer, I will let   even refers to them as her   they almost always help and aid other to accomplish this.
        her speak for herself: “The   “spoiled obsessions” and      This particular 2019 earth year promises to be good
        advice I would give to a   shamefully admits they live   for acquiring wealth, helping others and finding a suitable
        young woman trying to be-  like royalty and eat better   loving mate. If you are already married lots of offspring to
                                                                 carry forward these future successes. The successes of this
        come a model, is to be very   than she does. Somehow     year are to be built upon and the pig year can be a spring-
        realistic about the industry   that seems so normal, for   board to exciting possibilities ahead.
        as a whole!  The more real-  Sulavan Bollinger!             This article sees a welcome future beginning February
                                                                 4, 2019, for the year of the prosperous pig.

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